Provincial network rolling:
  Recent updates
·At the end of the month, the execution has been full -- the execution line before the Mid Autumn Festival [09-18]
·Remember the history of the Anti Japanese War and inherit the red gene - Yi'an [09-18]
·The Municipal Political and Legal Committee went to the Municipal Intermediate People's Court to carry out the theme [09-18]
·Carry forward scientific spirit "copper", build anti evil defense line copper [09-18]
·Construction of "Three Inspections, Three Clearances, Three Preventions and Three Prohibitions" in Tongling Suburbs [09-05]
·The Municipal Intermediate People's Court came to Zong to supervise and investigate the regular anti crime work [09-05]
·On the important decision of Tongling City in 2024 [09-04]
  Notice announcement More>>
·About the development of Tongling City in 2024 [09-04]
·Patrol Announcement [08-02]
·The third "Best Innovation" in the city's political and legal system [02-26]
·Solicitation notice of Tongling Law [02-26]
·About Printing and Distributing the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Tongling Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China [10-13]
·On the open solicitation of project construction [07-24]
·About Tongling City's Charity Enterprise [06-26]
Maintain stability More>>
·The second plenary session of the Municipal Committee of Political Science and Law in 2024 (expanded
·Tongling held the theme exhibition of National Security Education Day for All
·Publicity activities of National Security Education Day for All in the suburbs
·The municipal party committee held a meeting on the construction of peaceful Tongling and the political and legal work, Ding Chun
·A small workshop produces online celebrity diet pills in Tongling, Anhui:
·Chang Hongmei gave special lectures to Party school students
·The escaped prisoner crossed the river and went to relatives. The police intercepted the boat and captured it
comprehensive control More>>
·Tongling Suburbs Build a Regulatory Body of "Three Inspections, Three Clearances, Three Preventions and Three Prohibitions"
·The Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to the key management villages and towns of safe construction to carry out field work
·"Harmony of Clock" Effectively Resolves Land Disputes
·"Five lines" create a harmonious sound of rural governance
·Zongyang Xinmin Village has put the mediation room in front of the grid members' home
·Zongyang's "Four Efforts" Create a Legalized "Four Business" Environment
·The city held a "copper heart to resolve disputes" work ability improvement class
Guard against heresy More>>
·Carry forward the spirit of science "copper" to build a defense line against evil
·The municipal party committee held a meeting on the construction of peaceful Tongling and the political and legal work, Ding Chun
·Focusing on difficulties and blocking points, they moved the venue to the "spot"
·Datong Town launched anti cult propaganda and education activities
·Suburban Political and Legal Affairs Commission launched a centralized propaganda campaign against heresy
·Tongling City carried out on-site observation and discussion activities of anti cult work
·Tongling Anti cult Warning Education Enters the Campus with Various Activities
Governing the city according to law More>>
·Zongyang's "Four Efforts" Create a Legalized "Four Business" Environment
·Tongling City's "Four Adherences" begins with a plan for the 2024 government
·Tongling Suburb Court: "Hard Measures" to Build Legalized Business
·"One window office" and "trans provincial office"! Tongling Public Security Government Affairs Service
·Focusing on enterprises' "hard times and anxious expectations" to help optimize the business environment
·A small workshop produces online celebrity diet pills in Tongling, Anhui:
·Tongling People's Procuratorate won the title of Supreme Procurator 2023
Law enforcement supervision More>>
·The Municipal Procuratorate examines parole cases in a closed hearing for the first time
·"Low value high report" defrauded export tax rebate of more than 5.7 million yuan of copper
·The city's political and legal organs legally escort the high-quality development of enterprises
·Let enterprises truly feel that "political and legal services are around"
·Administrative reconsideration and dispute resolution serve the enterprise's excellent environment
·Tongling comprehensively promotes online monorail system for drunk driving criminal cases
·Tongling Intermediate People's Court innovatively introduced several measures to strengthen the hearing
Jurisprudence Garden More>>
·Tongling City deepens the reform of judicial responsibility system and promotes specific types of cases
·Tongling Municipal Bureau of Justice held a working seat for the establishment of community correction teams
·Tongling City fully implemented the catalogue management of major administrative decision-making matters
·Tongling City "1+1" promotes "who enforces the law, who popularizes the law" to perform duties
·Zongyang County Leading Group for Administration by Law and Construction of a Government by Law
·The first plenary session of the Municipal Committee of Political Science and Law in 2021 (expanded
·Huihe Township in the suburb: "pass on help and guidance+reasonable method", improve the grass-roots level
Political and legal developments of the central government More>>
·The Ministry of Public Security convened the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security and the Theoretical Study Center Group to study (
·The Supreme People's Procuratorate held a meeting to convey and learn from General Secretary Xi Jinping throughout the country
·Chen Wenqing presided over the plenary meeting of the Central Judicial and Law Commission to convey
·"Taking the people as the center" makes social governance both vigorous and warm
·Zhong Zhengsheng: Continuously promote the normalization of cracking down on pension fraud
·Good news is coming! The Environmental Protection Tribunal of Tongling Intermediate People's Court won the title of "People
·The first research report of Tongling Intermediate People's Court was selected as the fourth patrol of the Supreme People's Court
Provincial political and legal developments More>>
·The provincial and municipal training meeting on the acceptance of social governance modernization pilot project
·The provincial pilot project of classified education and assistance for community correction objects
·The Judicial and Legal Affairs Commission of the Provincial Party Committee investigated and supervised the modernization of social governance in the city
·After 23 major operations, the policeman returned to the front line and
·Ping An Anhui Tourism Map goes online, follow Xiao Xie (xi è
·This safety map Xiaoxie (xi è) will continue to clock in with you
·Please review this "Safety Answer Sheet"
Municipal political and legal developments More>>
·The Municipal Political and Legal Committee went to the Municipal Intermediate People's Court to carry out the theme party day and
·Carry forward the spirit of science "copper" to build a defense line against evil
·Municipal Intermediate People's Court came to Zong to supervise and investigate the regular anti mafia work
·The city's procurator general forum and procuratorial work promotion meeting were held
·The Office Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the CPC to Administer the City in an All round Way in Accordance with the Law and the Basic Level Law
·The Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to the key management villages and towns of safe construction to carry out field work
·The Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Tongling Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China leads with high standards and promotes Party discipline strictly and practically
Political and legal developments in counties and districts More>>
·At the end of the month, the execution has been completed -- Express delivery of execution actions before the Mid Autumn Festival
·Remember the history of the Anti Japanese War and inherit the red gene - the people of Yi'an District
·Tongling Suburbs Build a Regulatory Body of "Three Inspections, Three Clearances, Three Preventions and Three Prohibitions"
·On site admonishment, order to submit----- In Tongling City
·The intensity of "execution" brings about the intensity of "clearance"
·Execute 110 Hurry out and the executed person will perform immediately
·"Preservation+mediation" to play a good combination of fists to help resolve disputes
outside the box More>>
·Six foot narrow lane, where is the width?
·What did Huangshan do? The Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Central Committee is so sure
·Hebei: Promoting Cadres' Learning and Application by Examinations
·Transformation and upgrading of Hefei judicial expertise into a "supermarket"
·The mobile arbitration tribunal "came to the door" to ask for salary. Hefei Economic Development Zone was established
·Jiangxi pioneered the withdrawal mechanism for handling letters and visits involving law and litigation
·Maanshan Community Psychological Correction Research Center was founded
·Chizhou Municipal Multi department Co construction of Youth Legal Education Base
·Implementation Opinions of Anqing Municipal Party Committee on Comprehensively Deepening Reform Issued
court More>>
·At the end of the month, the execution has been completed -- Express delivery of execution actions before the Mid Autumn Festival
·Remember the history of the Anti Japanese War and inherit the red gene - the people of Yi'an District
·The Municipal Political and Legal Committee went to the Municipal Intermediate People's Court to carry out the theme party day and
·Municipal Intermediate People's Court came to Zong to supervise and investigate the regular anti mafia work
·On site admonishment, order to submit----- In Tongling City
·The intensity of "execution" brings about the intensity of "clearance"
·Execute 110 Hurry out and the executed person will perform immediately
procuratorate More>>
·The city's procurator general forum and procuratorial work promotion meeting were held
·Warm heart and protect the enterprise, presented by the banner
·Zongyang County "Protecting Her and Benefiting Her Family" Studio
·Procurator Zongyang: make good use of the four word formula of "investigation, visit, handling and construction"
·The Municipal Procuratorate established the "One, Two, Three, Four" working method to promote the Party in a solid way
·The "Four Modernization" Work Law Promotes the Quality and Increase of the Procuratorial Work of Duty Crimes
·Strengthen Party discipline education, build a solid ideological defense line - the municipal procuratorate organization
Public Security More>>
·Tongling Shizishan Police Station: "Qinglan Cultivation Plan" helps
·Tongling continues to expand the use of information and data scenarios "without certification."
·Zongyang Polishes the Sword of Rule of Law and Escorts the Development of Private Enterprises
·Unexpected "wealth" is not desirable
·"Trinity": Tongling Public Security Firms the Anti drug Defense Line
·"One window office" and "trans provincial office"! Tongling Public Security Government Affairs Service
·Focusing on enterprises' "hard times and anxious expectations" to help optimize the business environment
Judicial administration More>>
·Hu Yu: a "supporter" of providing legal aid to the masses
·Zongyang: Cultivating "Legal Understanders" to Promote the Construction of a Village Ruled by Law
·Tongling City's "Four Adherences" begins with a plan for the 2024 government
·Tongling Municipal Bureau of Justice has empowered "people who understand the law" with "three new and three changes"
·Legal aid is for migrant workers, and "pay" is not a worry
·Traveling to two provinces at night to send life-saving blood samples, Tongling judiciary won the masses for the people
·Tongling Municipal Bureau of Justice held the first hearing of administrative reconsideration
Department window  
Public Security
Letters and visits
civil administration
Policies and regulations More>>
·The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China printed and distributed the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China
·Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Political and Legal Work
·The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China printed and distributed the Regulations on the Patrol Work of the Communist Party of China
·Regulations on Network Protection for Minors
·Interpretation of the Policy of Medical Security Measures for Disabled Veterans
·Regulations of the Party and Government Organs on Practicing Strict Economy and Combating Waste
·Regulations on the Work of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Communist Party of China
Legal press Legal Daily | People's Court Daily | Procuratorial Daily | People's Public Security Daily | Anhui Legal Daily
Legal Daily
People's Court Daily
Procuratorial Daily
People's Public Security Daily
Anhui Legal Daily

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Friendly Links
Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Tongling Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China Address: Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Tongling Municipal Committee, No. 1861, Hudong Road, Tongling City (opposite the railway crossing of the Third Middle School)
Tel.: 0562-2833022 Technical support: Zhiyang Software    Wan ICP Bei No. 14023115   

Wangong Anbei No. 34070202000408