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Past Weather in Zhengzhou, Henan, China — Yesterday and Last 2 Weeks

Currently: 22 °C. Passing clouds. (Weather station: Zhengzhou Airport, China). See more current weather

Past Weather in Zhengzhou — Graph


Zhengzhou Temperature Yesterday

Maximum temperature yesterday: 29 ° C (at 15:00)
Minimum temperature yesterday: 20 ° C (at 5:00)
Average temperature yesterday: 24 °C

High & Low Weather Summary for the Past Weeks

  Temperature Humidity Pressure
High 34 °C (15:00, Friday, September 20) 100% (20:00, September 18th (Wednesday)) 1025 mbar (20:00, September 18th (Wednesday))
Low 12 °C (5:00 on September 24th (Tuesday)) 32% (14:00, September 24th (Tuesday)) 1008 mbar (16:00, Friday, September 13)
Average 23 °C 67% 1015 mbar
*Reported: 2:00 (Friday), September 13 to 2:00 (Saturday), September 28, Zhengzhou. Weather by CustomWeather, © two thousand and twenty-four

Note: Actual official high and low records may vary slightly from our data, if they occured in-between our weather recording intervals... More about our weather records

Zhengzhou Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours

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  Conditions Comfort    
Time   Temp Weather Wind   Humidity Barometer Visibility
September 28 (VI)
22 °C Passing clouds. 2 km/h 83% 1014 mbar N/A
1:00 22 °C Passing clouds. 2 km/h 83% 1014 mbar N/A
0:00 22 °C Passing clouds. 2 km/h 83% 1014 mbar N/A
September 27 (V)
22 °C Clear. 6 km/h 83% 1014 mbar 16 km
22:00 21 °C Clear. 2 km/h 88% 1014 mbar 16 km
21:00 23 °C Clear. 6 km/h 78% 1014 mbar 16 km
20:00 23 °C Clear. 9 km/h 74% 1014 mbar 16 km
19:00 24 °C Clear. 9 km/h 65% 1013 mbar 16 km
18:00 26 °C Sunny. 6 km/h 58% 1013 mbar 16 km
17:00 28 °C Sunny. 17 km/h 48% 1012 mbar 16 km
16:00 28 °C Sunny. 20 km/h 51% 1012 mbar 16 km
15:00 29 °C Scattered clouds. 17 km/h 48% 1012 mbar N/A
14:00 27 °C Scattered clouds. 13 km/h 54% 1013 mbar N/A
13:00 27 °C Scattered clouds. 13 km/h 58% 1014 mbar N/A
12:00 27 °C Scattered clouds. 9 km/h 58% 1014 mbar N/A
11:00 26 °C Scattered clouds. 9 km/h 61% 1015 mbar 5 km
10:00 24 °C Scattered clouds. 9 km/h 69% 1016 mbar 2 km
9:00 22 °C Haze. 6 km/h 73% 1016 mbar 2 km
8:00 21 °C Fog. 9 km/h 78% 1015 mbar 2 km
7:00 20 °C Fog. 6 km/h 83% 1015 mbar 2 km
6:00 20 °C Fog. 9 km/h 78% 1015 mbar 3 km
5:00 20 °C Fog. 6 km/h 78% 1014 mbar 4 km
4:00 21 °C Passing clouds. 6 km/h 73% 1014 mbar 5 km
Weather by CustomWeather, © two thousand and twenty-four

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