Nanchang ruffian Ding rode Nanji Mountain in 2014

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Murong Purple Tears (Building owner) Published on: 03-09    IP ownership: Asia Pacific    [Just look at the owner]   
Unconsciously, we are going to be four years old, and ruffian Ding, as a post-80s generation, has realized that his life is more than half. Over the years, my health has gone from bad to worse, and my life has just passed by. I don't know what to sigh about. Maybe the only thing that can prove is that at least I have been here before. I wish you good health. This is better than anything else. By the way, I will show you that the former ruffian Ding is also a lively person.

The first mountain bike in life. Old Phoenix

Depart at 5:40 in the morning, and arrive at Jiangxiang Bridgehead Mixed Powder Store in 20 minutes. It tastes good, but I don't know where to move now..

Jiangxiang Town, an important town in Nanchang, is coming to Nanji Mountain on October 1, 2014

There is only one way from Jiangxiang Town to Nanji Mountain. It's just a matter of doing. It used to be a cement road, but now it's an oil road. But every October, there are still people drying millet all the way

This is 2014, and the brand will disappear in a few years.

Everyone who has been there knows that the electric drainage station at the junction of Jiangxiang and Poyang Lake. It will enter Poyang Lake 300 meters ahead

The Poyang Lake area is at the left intersection. You can't touch the water and step on the grass from here on. There is a sign for schistosomiasis control

Entering the lake area, the Nanji Bridge is ahead. When the water rises, the bridge will be flooded. Then there will be temporary ferries and ferries to Nanji Mountain

In the lake area of 2014, it was the first time to see Poyang Lake so close to me, and I felt relaxed and happy

Don't forget to take photos of your car and scenery

At this time, it is still flood season, and some roads are flooded, which is ignored by off-road leaders

Ha ha, take a picture before entering the flood section. It will be young. I don't think about schistosomiasis. I just want to conquer this part of the road

The road is at the foot, just do it

The vast future is like life

At this time, the water has reached the thigh, and I'm a little flustered

We have to admit it. After all, Tianwei can't resist it. Get on the bus. The ticket is 20 yuan, and everyone can take the bus

As soon as I got on the bus, I began to get used to it. Little flood despised it

In fact, most of the road water is quite large, which is proved by the spray

A boat on the roadside when you reach Nanjishan Township Government

When riding on the island, it will still be a cement soil road. Now it is a water and oil road

Look at the depth of Poyang Lake

Opposite is Duchang County, which is far away

Carefree children, I don't know if any of the children in the photos can see themselves in those days

Nanji Mountain in 2014 is still undeveloped, full of fishing village atmosphere

Return and continue to enjoy liberation

Three or two birds on the road

Encounter egrets on the road

It's already 8:00 pm when I returned to Nanchang, and the lights are shining

The original cycling record of that year. Finally, I wish you all a happy life.

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