China Huadian: empowering beautiful Tibet and charging a better life - Tibet Online
June 19, 2024 Wednesday

China Huadian: empowering beautiful Tibet and charging a better life

2024-06-19 09:32:46 Source: Tibet Daily Author: reporter Wang Yonghong

At the construction site of China Huadian Shannan Luobusha Photovoltaic Project in Qusong County, Shannan City, nearly 1000 builders were busy at the construction line, and the array area composed of tens of thousands of photovoltaic panels took shape, making Caobazi a "photovoltaic blue ocean".

Along the Jinsha River, the hydropower and photovoltaic projects in the national water scenery integration demonstration base on the upper reaches of the Jinsha River with a planned total installed capacity of 52 million kilowatts are in full swing, and dozens of large machines are booming. The project provides the surrounding villagers with jobs such as operation and maintenance, logistics services, and so on, so that they can work and earn money at home.

This is the epitome of China Huadian serving the "double carbon" goal of the country and helping Tibet develop in a high-quality way. In recent years, China Huadian has focused on Tibet's "four major events", actively fulfilled its social responsibilities and the responsibilities of central enterprises, and helped Tibet achieve a higher level and more sustainable development through the vivid practice of building a national clean energy base and promoting rural revitalization.

   Accelerate project construction and strive to be the main force of energy supply

In the central control room of Dagu Hydropower Station, the operator on duty is watching the unit operation through the display screen. "Since the power station was put into operation three years ago, it has generated more than 7 billion kilowatt hours of electricity accumulatively. Now, its annual power generation accounts for about one-fifth of the total electricity consumption in Tibet, providing a steady stream of clean electricity for the economic and social development of Tibet." Dong Wei, the head of China Huadian Tibet Dagu Company, said.

In recent years, China Huadian has focused on the development of new quality productivity, accelerated the construction of a national clean energy base in the way of water, light, wind and storage integration, continuously improved the energy supply capacity, and handed over one bright answer after another:

In 2021, the Dagu Hydropower Station, the largest domestic demand hydropower station in Tibet, will be promoted to achieve "four projects in one year, and all projects will be put into operation in the same year", and won the gold medal of national high-quality project. It is the only power project in Tibet that won this honor; In 2022, Suwalong Hydropower Station, the largest outbound hydropower station in Tibet and the first megawatt hydropower station in the region, will be put into operation, and the photovoltaic project in Seni District, Naqu City, Tibet, with the largest installed capacity in the current period will be completed;

In 2023, five 400000 kilowatt photovoltaic power supply guarantee projects will be completed in Lhasa, Shannan and other places;


One by one, clean energy projects have been completed and put into operation, constantly meeting the power needs of Tibetan people of all ethnic groups, while also promoting high-quality economic and social development in Tibet.

The pace of courageously guaranteeing the mission and helping the economic development has never stopped. In 2024, China Huadian Corporation will increase its efforts to develop clean energy in Tibet. It plans to invest more than 30 billion yuan in Tibet in 2024 and 2025, and by the end of the 14th Five Year Plan period, it will have invested 95 billion yuan in Tibet accumulatively, with more than 16 million kilowatts of units put into production and under construction.

   Develop and protect at the same time, protect the good ecology of the plateau

"On board power generation and under board grazing". The photovoltaic project site in Seni District, Naqu City, China Huadian 4500 meters above sea level has become a reality, which is also a vivid manifestation of China Huadian's help to create a national ecological civilization highland in Tibet.

For a long time, China Huadian has been deeply implementing Xi Jinping's idea of ecological civilization, taking ecological protection as the premise of energy development, and carefully guarding the mountains, rivers, animals and plants on the snow covered plateau.

In the development and construction of hydropower projects, through the development and application of a complete set of technologies for the preparation of sand and gravel aggregates from complex sources, the excavation volume is minimized to avoid damaging the original ecology, setting a precedent for large-scale hydropower projects in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau not to set up quarries; Build an ecological fishway with the highest altitude and the largest drop in the world; The research on temperature control technology of fish breeding station was carried out, and the intelligent operation monitoring system of domestic fishway was initiated. More than 5.7 million rare fish were added and released in the upper reaches of Yajiang River and Jinsha River, which played an important role in water ecological protection of the basin.

In the process of photovoltaic project construction, the installation of photovoltaic panels shall be arranged scientifically, and the installation height of photovoltaic panels shall be improved reasonably to realize power generation on photovoltaic panels and free grazing under photovoltaic panels; Innovate the protection work of alpine meadow, adopt the four step work method of "rising, preserving, maintaining and restoring", effectively promote the ecological restoration of grassland, that is, dig the turf from the ground root zone soil, set up a conservation "greenhouse", restore and backfill in summer, and the warm and humid environment above 10 ℃ allows the fragile meadow vegetation to recover quickly.

At the same time, China Huadian also actively participated in the afforestation project of the North South Mountains, invested 80 million yuan to complete the afforestation task of more than 8200 mu, and contributed to the "greening" of Lhasa by central enterprises.

   Fulfill the responsibility of central enterprises, and spare no effort to help promote revitalization

In May 2024, at the experience exchange meeting held by the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council on the central enterprises' contribution to rural revitalization, the representatives of China Huadian told about the advanced deeds of China Huadian's village team in Waichong Village, Jiangda County, Changdu City, which led the masses to develop the woodcut industry to increase income and become rich, and helped the village win the title of "National Rural Governance Demonstration Village".

The villagers in Waichong Village, Jiangda County, used to live by planting highland barley, raising cattle and sheep, and digging fungi. There was no collective economy in the village. In 2018, the village team of China Huadian stationed in Waichong Village and learned through research that the Bologuze engraving technology in the village is a national intangible cultural heritage. After that, it cooperated with the village's "two committees" to combine the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage and the cultivation of the industry's "hematopoietic" function, deeply tap the value of woodcut technology, and organize the establishment of the Musong National Handicraft Company, We coordinated and signed long-term supply agreements of more than 100 million yuan, helped more than 200 people to find jobs, and increased their income by more than 12 million yuan. In July 2023, Zepei, a woodcut artist, was also invited to Shenzhen to participate in the China Charity Expo, where the ancient woodcut skill moved from a small mountain gully to a big stage.

At the same time, the village team of China Huadian has organized villagers to develop Tibetan woodcut cultural and creative products in combination with the skills of "ancient wisdom Tibetan calligraphy" to promote the integrated development of intangible cultural heritage industry and tourism industry. Today, Waichong Village has developed into a gathering place of fortune making industries integrating woodcut, calligraphy, incense, paper, cooking, rattan art, holiday camp, etc., and has become a shining card for the revitalization of local villages.

"Thank you for the good policies of the Party and the help of Huadian's village team. Now, our village is developing rapidly, and everyone's life is getting better and better. It has also attracted many college students from other places to return to their hometown to start their own businesses!" Talking about the development and changes of the village, the book of the Waichong village party branch Tuza excitedly said.

In recent years, relying on clean energy development, China Huadian has established a long-term assistance mechanism. By attracting people to participate in construction, it has solved more than 4200 jobs and helped people increase their income by 180 million yuan; Invest 26 million yuan in the construction of new houses for villagers relocated by hydropower, so that the living conditions of 75 villagers from 30 households can achieve a qualitative leap; Assisted in the construction of Nima PV project, which alleviated the power consumption difficulties of more than 9000 people; The purchase of Tibetan building materials was 523 million yuan, and the consumption assistance was more than 26 million yuan; We recruited 81 college and technical secondary school graduates from Tibet, trained 44 poor students who had filed and registered cards, and relocated them to Huadian to work, so as to achieve more stable and long-term assistance... Behind a series of data, China Huadian is responsible for serving the development of Tibet and helping rural revitalization.