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"ChatGPT and SEO achieve perfect combination to solve the content bottleneck"

"Master practical SEO technology, ChatGPT training professional content, and build the core competitiveness of the website"

SEO practical training based on website strategy, website operation, website structure, user experience and content optimization, not only learning SEO

  • Low cost SEO training

    Low cost, testable SEO video online teaching

    0 Basic systematization and quick mastery of core technology

  • Practical SEO training

    Eliminate tedious theories and focus on SEO practical training

    Content, dry goods, program code, user experience

  • One on one SEO training

    One to one online communication of top SEO instructors

    Solve problems encountered by trainees during SEO

  • Circulate

    Community ChatGPT and SEO

    Technology, resources, contacts, projects, thinking

  • Lifelong SEO training

    Lifetime free technology iteration

    Technical updates, content updates, free refresher training

 Based on SEO website strategy, website operation, website structure, user experience, webpage content optimization, you can learn more than SEO
SEO practical online class

Low price, ultra-high standard, SEO practical technology, ignoring geographical obstacles, and teaching through the network.

Low cost, easy learning, systematic SEO, flexible time, free online retraining for life.

Offline in-depth exchange and learning

Small scale offline field communication.

Face to face communication with lecturers, on-site question answering, efficient communication, and more intimate network resources.

"The combination of SEO and ChatGPT"

Tianqing Education SEO training absorbed SEO practical training Guangzhou SEO Enterprise Training , SEO system training, we media, WeChat and other related training; All Internet skills training is divided into online and offline training classes, giving friends with different needs a choice,

You are more interested in participating SEO practical training on-line class still SEO practical training offline advanced class ?

Through SEO, a set of marketing practice technology based on search engines, we can provide ecological self marketing solutions for websites, constantly diagnose the SEO status of websites, optimize websites, improve Baidu search rankings, and increase website traffic.

Use SEO technology to rank the keywords of a website to the first page of the search engine, so that users will find the website at the first time when searching for the word, so as to buy products or obtain valuable information on the website;

SEO marketing is very effective because search engines cover 95% of netizens, so learning SEO technology can quickly obtain accurate users.

Please add SEO training registration WeChat 11292468

ChatGPT knowledge

ChatGPT intelligent language mode, fast people take the lead in one step

  • twenty-five


    What is ChatGPT used for and what scenarios can it be used for

    ChatGPT can be used for natural language dialogue, and can be applied to a variety of scenarios. For example, customer service: ChatGPT can replace manual customer service, provide users with 24-hour online services, answer users' questions, solve

  • twenty-five


    What is ChatGPT and how it works

    ChatGPT is a chat robot based on natural language processing technology. It is developed by OpenAI company and adopts the latest GPT-4 pre training language model, which can conduct natural, smooth and accurate dialogue. Cha ...

Presentation of free basic courses of SEO training
"Training Outline for Practical SEO Training of Tianqing Education"

Teacher Han Shen vows to help 100 Tianqing SEOvip students obtain 20W annual salary

The real SEO battle is the process of site building, inclusion, ranking, traffic, transformation and realization

  •  What is a search engine
    What is a search engine
  •  What is website SEO
    What is website SEO
  •  What is a page
    What is a page
  •  What are keywords
    What are keywords
  •  What is content building
    What is content building
  •  What is SEO inner chain
    What is SEO inner chain
  •  What is SEO outer chain
    What is SEO outer chain
  •  What is friendship link
    What is friendship link
  •  What is an SEO article
    What is an SEO article
  •  What is website weight
    What is website weight
Introduction to SEO lecturer of Tianqing Education
"Follow the actual SEO lecturers to learn the core SEO technology and achieve the ultimate in SEO technology"

Based on the SEO network marketing concept, build the core competitiveness of the website, and let you learn more than SEO

Free SEO training course for bear palms
Six reasons to choose us

0 Basic SEO training, SEO system training, SEO practical training, SEO functional website procedures, small class online training, one-on-one SEO guidance

  • I don't know what to do with online marketing

    Zero foundation introductory teaching, no worries

  • Low salary and poor welfare, no salary increase expected

    Mastering core SEO technology, guaranteed salary increase

  • Low traffic, few orders, high promotion cost

    Teach you how to get accurate traffic without spending money

  • The website didn't rank, and the boss wasn't satisfied

    Master the core technology of SEO, and rank slowly

  • SEO practical training

    Small class training, simple and operable SEO practical strategy

  • Current SEO employment prospects

    SEO personnel, large talent gap, few senior talents

Internet operation promotion knowledge

SEO professional training seeks Tianqing Education

  • twelve


    From the perspective of e-commerce sellers, what should be done to optimize image SEO?

    For e-commerce sellers, image SEO is particularly important to make their product images stand out from user searches. On the Internet, there are two main ways for people to find product images - visual search and image search

  • twelve


    10 most commonly used foreign website analysis tools to deeply understand the effect of website SEO

    As we all know, website data is very important. By tracking the most important indicators of the website, you can better understand the effect of SEO strategy. You can know what customers are doing on your website, even what your competitors are doing. To understand you

  • twelve


    6 free SEO tools to help your independent station business to a higher level

    Every marketer has their favorite set of tools that can help them work more easily. When you are looking for new tools, you may stick to tools made specifically for your industry. For example, an email marketer might use automatic

  • twelve


    Manish Dudharejia: 7 ways for e-commerce websites to improve natural search traffic

    Manish Dudharejia is the CEO and co-founder of E2M Solutions, an e-commerce consulting company. He has more than 10 years of experience in SEO. In this article, he will introduce some ways to improve e-commerce websites

  • twenty-nine


    4 factors affecting website ranking

    I divide the factors that affect the ranking of websites into four aspects: external chain, relevance, authority and user experience. Of course, there must be more than that. This is just a general direction. Every general direction involves dozens of hundreds of details

  • twenty-eight


    The decoration function of the home page of the Bear Palm platform goes online

    In order to facilitate the unified management of the Bear Palm homepage by Bear Palm users, the homepage decoration function was launched on June 22. This function integrates the following original homepage management functions: background map setting, operation position setting, publicity position management, and new map

  • twenty-eight


    Upgrade of bear paw content source settings

    In order to better reduce the threshold for the resource party to access the bear palm, the bear palm content source setting function was comprehensively upgraded. This upgrade mainly adds a new function module - automatic synchronization of resources. Through automatic synchronization settings, the resource side can achieve the same

  • 08


    How long will it take for Google ranking optimization to reach the top 10 in 2018

    Many webmasters who do Google optimization are concerned about one question: how long will Google ranking optimization take to be on the home page? The most common saying is that there is really no accurate answer. However, recently, a foreign SEO research institution, through the research on Ahre

  • 03


    Seo which training institution is the best

    Han Shen mentioned many times in class that there are no optimization standards in the SEO industry. These optimization standards are not officially announced by the search engine itself, let alone the algorithm information of ranking. So the SEO industry actually

  • twenty-one


    Reasons and solutions for good website ranking and low traffic

    A SEO friend who is also in Guiyang consulted the author and said that the company was facing the dilemma of being fired. Later, the author realized that it was because of website optimization that the "Guiyang Floor Heating Installation Company" was originally made the home page, but the boss was dissatisfied

  • 05


    What is search engine and SEO

    What is a search engine? The definition is as follows: Search Engine refers to collecting information from the Internet according to certain policies and using specific computer programs, organizing and processing the information, and then providing users with information

  • twenty-nine


    How to rank websites on Baidu's home page (search engine)

    When you encounter a problem or want to know about a product or even a person, will you use Baidu, Google, 360, Sogou and other search engines, enter a word or even a paragraph on the search engine, and then come to a variety of

  • seventeen


    How to upload your website to the server and download ftp upload tools

    Tianqing SEO talked about the three elements of website building before: space server, domain name, website program, and explained the selection of space server, domain name registration skills, domain name resolution, and website program selection. Today, let's talk about the end of website building

  • sixteen


    How to resolve domain name to server

    In the previous three articles, we explained the prerequisites for the construction of three websites: domain name registration, space server selection and website program selection. This time, we will explain what is domain name interpretation? How to resolve the domain name to the corresponding server space? What

  • fifteen


    What kind of program should be selected to build a website

    Many webmasters and webmasters are not professional programmers. They can't write code, but they need to build their own websites. The best way is to use open source programs to build websites, followed by paying professional people to do it. So build a website

  • fourteen


    How to choose the appropriate virtual host (space server) for a website

    As an SEO, or webmaster, or even a company, when it needs to establish an independent website, no matter what the purpose of the website is, blog, information station, photo station, or corporate website, in addition to the independent domain name (domain

  • thirteen


    Course outline of SEO practical training

    Course outline of SEO practical training (test outline, for reference only) 1. Preparation before class 1. Domain name registration. Domain name vendors and domain name registration rules 2. Server and space rental. How to choose a suitable space server: network speed, stability and security

  • thirteen


    Selection of domain name registrars and domain name registration rules

    A website that can be accessed normally must have a server IP and website program. Alert friends may find a problem. What about the website (domain name) we usually visit? Theoretically, we don't need a domain name. We can directly use the server IP address

  • eleven


    Tianqing 6 system is a professional SEO station building system with traffic

    Tianqing 6 system is a professional SEO station building system with flow. Tianqing 6 system is a SAAS based professional SEO station building system with flow; Tianqing 6 system allows you to really own your own independent SEO marketing website; Through powerful SEO

  • ten


    What are the contents of SEO practical training

    Many friends who want to participate in the SEO training will have a doubt, that is, they want to know what the SEO training is all about. Today, Tianqing Education will tell you about the main training outline of Tianqing Education's SEO practical training. Recently, our customer service

  • twenty-three


    Put an end to page turning induced behavior, Baidu search trade wind algorithm will be launched soon

    Recently, Baidu's search technology team found that some websites used the page turning key to induce users, which greatly damaged the user's browsing experience. For this kind of problem, the trade wind algorithm will be launched soon, and the sites with problems will be severely punished

  • twenty-three


    Sogou search results page display website logo

    1、 Core audit standard for website logo 1 Only secondary domain names are supported; 2. The logo file type only supports PNG format or JPG format; 3. The length width ratio of the logo must be 1:1, and the size must be within 200k

  • twenty-one


    Baidu Search Wu Haifeng: "The webmaster is the party of Baidu Search"

    In 2017, Baidu Search put forward the concept of "new search". In addition to the billions of web traffic that Baidu Mobile Search exports to the website every day, the service of "user first" and the product improvement brought by "listening to user needs" also let

  • twenty-one


    Baidu Search Online Announcement on Supplementary Site Name

    To help users better identify which website the browsing content comes from when browsing Baidu search; Recently, Baidu has launched a new online search strategy. In case that the site name is not added to the website title in the search results, the system will automatically identify and add sites to the site

  • twenty-one


    Baidu Search will crack down on Alipay red envelope cheating

    Recently, Baidu's search technology team found that a large number of information sites were found to have benefited from cheating content such as Alipay red packets, which greatly damaged the experience of Baidu's search users and misled search users. Baidu technical team will soon

  • nineteen


    Google officially launched: page speed affects mobile search ranking

    Published on July 9, 2018 by Zac According to SE Roubdtable, Google just released its cancellation message on the official Twitter account a few hours ago

  • thirteen


    Baidu search short video cooperation resource standard

    I Requirements for excellent video content producers 1 Content copyright: Own the copyright of the corresponding video content or obtain the corresponding authorization. 2. Production capacity: the production capacity of high-quality video (professional and mature video production capacity) and production speed (such as

  • twelve


    Google AdWords will officially usher in a new interface in July

    In March this year, Google announced that it would eliminate the old AdWords interface before the end of this year. This week, some advertisers have received a notice from Google that their accounts will be switched to the new interface from July. At that time, the new version of AdWord

  • twelve


    Google AdWords was officially renamed Google Ads, and two new platforms were launched at the same time

    Recently, Google announced that its landmark business Google AdWords launched in 2000 was renamed Google Ads, and it launched two new projects: Google Marketing P

  • ten


    360 search mobile terminal online station sub chain function

    360 encourages webmasters to submit high-quality sub chains, and present them in richer forms in search results to improve the website's traffic and user experience. Currently, the site sub chain is only displayed on the mobile end, and the trigger method is: use the keyword (main chain name) accurate matching method to touch

  • sixteen


    QQ registration invitation code free access to 3 days of QQ members

    I believe that many young partners will find a hint when they register for QQ: I have an invitation code. What is an invitation code when I register for QQ members for 3 days? QQ registration invitation code is a marketing tool launched by Tencent to attract new users

  • eighteen


    Everything you want to know about applet entrepreneurship is here

    One of the major advantages of the applet is that it is in the WeChat system and has the opportunity to use WeChat social traffic for fission propagation. Wen/Li Haojun Source/Steamed Bun Business School (ID: alpworks) Hello, I'm GGV Ji Yuanzi

  • 05


    How does the data drive deviate

    The so-called data-driven technology cannot be learned. This is an old article. I suggest reading it if I haven't read it. The evil kpi and the evil kpi also suggest reading. The content of this article is inherited from the above three articles. Recently, there was something

  • 05


    Kimberly Clark tells you how to win the C position in brand advertising

    Kimberly Clark's Curious New Product was released, and Baidu was launched, successfully seizing the C position, with a click rate of 8.11%. Recommended reading: technology enabled tourism marketing, Baidu helped the tourism industry under the "Belt and Road", Baidu won the gold award of the Aiqi Award, AI Fu

  • twenty-nine


    Six Trends of Network Marketing in Small and Medium sized Enterprises

    Six major trends of future SME network marketing 1. Change is the next mainstream. First, the change of the Internet environment is accelerating, and technology and marketing are constantly upgrading. So, for example, in the past five years, a website could not be updated. Now

  • twenty-eight


    Xiongzhang is going online for public certification

    Xiongzhang certification is the process of Baidu's screening and verification of the subject information and qualification documents submitted by the main body of Xiongzhang, and the validity period is one year. After the authentication is passed, the platform will show the details of Bear Palm authentication to all users to prove the main body behind this account

  • twenty-one


    Heavyweight | WeChat subscription account is newly revised and launched!

    Today, the subscription number is officially revised and launched. In order to optimize the user's reading experience and efficiency, and encourage the optimization and creation of subscription number content, the revised subscription number list optimizes the display of rich media information such as video and voice, as well as image, text, video and multiple pieces of information

  • fifteen


    Announcement of Tencent Security Team on Cracking Down on Network Illegal Information

    In order to strengthen the construction of Internet content, establish a comprehensive network governance system, and maintain a more clear online environment for users, according to the Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on the Administration of Information Services for Internet Users' Public Accounts, and the United Kingdom of the People's Republic of China

  • 06


    WeChat official account appreciation function upgraded to "like authors"

    From today on, the public account appreciation will be upgraded to "like authors". Qualified authors can register as appreciation accounts, and the authors can directly receive the appreciation of readers! At present, WeChat and Apple have reached an agreement, and iOS system also supports this function

  • twenty-two


    The latest news of Bear Palm platform, new upgrade, new online

    Xiongzhang is committed to helping resource providers connect users across the network quickly and efficiently. By making full use of the advantages of Baidu's open search ecosystem, it helps resource providers to obtain traffic, precipitate users and build brands, so as to achieve rapid growth of its own content and service value. For

  • twenty-one


    ID of the recommender of the Bear Palm Illumination Plan: 1537282785071040

    [The lighting plan is coming] What is the lighting plan? The lighting plan is a "stage" that can show you your influence. You only need to do one thing, that is, call on your friends to join the bear's paw (open the bear's paw, bind the site and

  • twenty-one


    Official Q&A Announcement of Bear Palm

    In order to improve the experience of netizens asking questions about government affairs through search, the government authority question and answer function of the government bear palm platform was launched on July 13, 2018. With this function, government departments can focus on the hot queries of netizens and the transmission of their own information

  • twenty-one


    Announcement of the launch of the original protection and reporting function of Bear Palm

    For several months since the launch of the original protection of bear palms, it has escorted thousands of bear palms' original content. In order to further strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of original authors, Xiongzhang has constantly improved its rights protection system. On July 16, the original protection and reporting function was launched, supporting support for

  • twenty-one


    How to get the logo and website name display under Baidu Mobile Search

    It is believed that many people who have used hundreds of websites have noticed that there are two kinds of information sources under search: why do some websites display names and logos, and others display URLs? Although it is only a small difference, but for search users

  • twenty-one


    Announcement on Delimitation of the Protection Scope of the Original Bear Palm and Punishment of the Original Low Quality

    In order to better define the scope of rights and interests for original protection and the effect of original protection of Xiongzhang, the original protection team of Xiongzhang specifically publicizes the scope of original protection and the punishment rules for submitting low-quality content that the resource party pays most attention to. 1、 Clearly not within the scope of original protection

  • thirteen


    Interpreting the SEO Guide of Bear Palm, the new direction of SEO

    In November last year, Baidu officially launched the bear palm number; For more than half a year, Baidu Search is gradually realizing the goal of upgrading from station to number. Bear Palm pushes out the search rules, so that the resource side has more room to operate, and helps SEO practitioners better improve their work

  • thirteen


    What is the bear's paw search index

    The bear's paw search index can be understood as a baton to measure the growth status of bear's paw resource side and the acquisition of rights and interests. The resource side launched the bear's paw, submitted data and officially operated. The performance in this stage is mapped through the search index. Baidu Search

  • thirteen


    How does the bear's paw do its content? How does bear palm do content operation?

    After the resource side settled in the bear's paw, the content is the top priority for subsequent operations. Bear Palm aims to promote and foster high-quality content and resources, and effectively help those who have such ideas and take positive actions to obtain more rights and interests. So the question is, where should the resource side go

  • thirteen


    What you must know about bear palm user operation

    Many resource parties will ask how to play the bear palm? On June 27, at the offline activity of the open class of Bear Palm, we focused on sharing the "Bear Palm User Operations You Must Know", hoping to bring inspiration to all resource parties. Are you still immersed in

  • thirteen


    Bear Palm Case: How to Play Bear Palm Operation

    Since the launch of the bear palm last year, there have been many resource parties who have obtained traffic, users and actual income transformation through the bear palm. On June 27, the bear palm open class offline activity, we made the bear palm play in various industries live

  • twenty-one


    ID of the recommender of the Bear Palm Illumination Plan: 1537282785071040

    [The lighting plan is coming] What is the lighting plan? The lighting plan is a "stage" that can show you your influence. You only need to do one thing, that is, call on your friends to join the bear's paw (open the bear's paw, bind the site and

  • twenty-one


    Official Q&A Announcement of Bear Palm

    In order to improve the experience of netizens asking questions about government affairs through search, the government authority question and answer function of the government bear palm platform was launched on July 13, 2018. With this function, government departments can focus on the hot queries of netizens and the transmission of their own information

  • twenty-one


    Announcement of the launch of the original protection and reporting function of Bear Palm

    For several months since the launch of the original protection of bear palms, it has escorted thousands of bear palms' original content. In order to further strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of original authors, Xiongzhang has constantly improved its rights protection system. On July 16, the original protection and reporting function was launched, supporting support for

  • twenty-one


    How to get the logo and website name display under Baidu Mobile Search

    It is believed that many people who have used hundreds of websites have noticed that there are two kinds of information sources under search: why do some websites display names and logos, and others display URLs? Although it is only a small difference, but for search users

  • twenty-one


    Announcement on Delimitation of the Protection Scope of the Original Bear Palm and Punishment of the Original Low Quality

    In order to better define the scope of rights and interests for original protection and the effect of original protection of Xiongzhang, the original protection team of Xiongzhang specifically publicizes the scope of original protection and the punishment rules for submitting low-quality content that the resource party pays most attention to. 1、 Clearly not within the scope of original protection

  • thirteen


    Interpreting the SEO Guide of Bear Palm, the new direction of SEO

    In November last year, Baidu officially launched the bear palm number; For more than half a year, Baidu Search is gradually realizing the goal of upgrading from station to number. Bear Palm pushes out the search rules, so that the resource side has more room to operate, and helps SEO practitioners better improve their work

  • thirteen


    What is the bear's paw search index

    The bear's paw search index can be understood as a baton to measure the growth status of bear's paw resource side and the acquisition of rights and interests. The resource side launched the bear's paw, submitted data and officially operated. The performance in this stage is mapped through the search index. Baidu Search

  • thirteen


    How does the bear's paw do its content? How does bear palm do content operation?

    After the resource side settled in the bear's paw, the content is the top priority for subsequent operations. Bear Palm aims to promote and foster high-quality content and resources, and effectively help those who have such ideas and take positive actions to obtain more rights and interests. So the question is, where should the resource side go

  • thirteen


    What you must know about bear palm user operation

    Many resource parties will ask how to play the bear palm? On June 27, at the offline activity of the open class of Bear Palm, we focused on sharing the "Bear Palm User Operations You Must Know", hoping to bring inspiration to all resource parties. Are you still immersed in

  • thirteen


    Bear Palm Case: How to Play Bear Palm Operation

    Since the launch of the bear palm last year, there have been many resource parties who have obtained traffic, users and actual income transformation through the bear palm. On June 27, the bear palm open class offline activity, we made the bear palm play in various industries live

  • SEO professional training

  • 0 Basic SEO system training

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  • Professional SEO customer service

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