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Fitzwilliam Museum Weather Forecast

15 day weather 10 day weather
cloudy 10~16℃
Thursday, July 4 (May 29)
Southwest wind Level 3 humidity 90% ultraviolet rays
  • Wednesday
    July 3rd
    light rain
    Southwest wind
  • Thursday
    July 4
  • Friday
    July 5
    Light rain to heavy rain
    Southwest wind
  • Saturday
    July 6
    Light rain turns clear
  • Sunday
    July 7
    Light rain to cloudy
    Southwest wind
  • Monday
    July 8
    Light rain to moderate rain
    Southerly wind
  • Tuesday
    July 9
    Moderate rain to light rain
    Southerly wind
essential information

Fitzwilliam Museum

Scenic spot address: Trumpington St, Cambridge CB2 1RB
Scenic spot level: unknown
Opening Hours: 10:00-17:00 Tuesday Saturday; 12:00-17:00 on Sundays and bank holidays; Closed on Good Friday, December 24-26, December 31, and January 1.
Transportation: Take the Uni 4 bus to the o/s Fitzwilliam Museum station. View details>>
Introduction to Scenic Spots

The museum is located in the center of Cambridge City. The design imitates the Greek temple style, as if to pay homage to the past. The tall marble columns and beautifully carved gable walls make the whole building more dignified. The atrium of the museum is both beautiful and practical. The drum seat on the top is made of glass, and the full lighting makes the whole hall bright. Fitzwilliam, as the largest comprehensive museum in Cambridge University, mainly contains a large number of precious works of art, including Michelangelo and his works in the Renaissance and Picasso's impressionist works. In addition, the museum also collects valuable cultural relics from Egypt, Greece, Rome and China, of which the most famous exhibit is the relief sculpture from Persepolis.

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