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How much is the unemployment insurance in Taiyuan per month

2021-11-01 Source: Weather [font: large   in   Small

Taiyuan unemployment insurance is 1598 yuan a month. According to the Notice on Adjusting the Standard of Unemployment Insurance Benefits in Shanxi Province, it is decided to adjust the standard of unemployment insurance benefits in Shanxi Province from October 1, 2021. The proportion of unemployment insurance payment standard is adjusted from 80% of the local minimum wage standard to 85%. According to the provincial minimum wage standard to be implemented on October 1, the adjusted unemployment insurance compensation standard in 11 cities of our province is 1598 yuan, and each insured unemployed person has an increased income of more than 280 yuan per month, effectively guaranteeing the basic life of the unemployed family.

 How much is the unemployment insurance in Taiyuan per month

In addition to unemployment insurance benefits, there is also skill promotion subsidy that can be received. Enterprise employees who have paid unemployment insurance premiums for more than 36 months (including 36 months) accumulatively according to the law and have obtained primary (Level 5), intermediate (Level 4), senior (Level 3) vocational qualification certificates or skill certificates since January 1, 2017 can apply for skill promotion subsidy. The subsidy standard is 1000 yuan, 1500 yuan and 2000 yuan for primary (Level 5), intermediate (Level 4) and advanced (Level 3) respectively.

 How much is the unemployment insurance in Taiyuan per month

This subsidy can be applied for by employees themselves or by enterprises on their behalf. For the same occupation (type of work), the same grade can only apply for and enjoy the vocational skill promotion subsidy once.

The employees of the enterprise shall apply for vocational skill promotion subsidies at the unemployment insurance agency of the place where they participate in the unemployment insurance within 12 months from the date of issuing the vocational qualification certificate or vocational skill grade certificate.

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