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Where is Langya Terrace

2021-02-26 Source: Weather [font: large   in   Small

Langya Terrace leads the mountains. King Goujian of Yue moved north to move his capital here. Langya Stone Carving is one of the only two stone carvings in the Qin Dynasty. So where is Langya Terrace?

 Where is Langya Terrace

Langyatai is located at the seaside 26 kilometers southwest of Huangdao District (formerly Jiaonan City), Qingdao, Shandong Province. It belongs to the provincial tourism resort of Langyatai, Qingdao. In 2010, the National Tourism Administration rated Langyatai as an AAAA scenic spot. In 2013, Langyatai was recognized as a national key cultural relics protection unit.

 Where is Langya Terrace

Langyatai has four distinct seasons, humid climate, unique and beautiful natural landscape, and a long history and profound culture. It is a seaside resort for summer, exploring the ancient world, and appreciating wonders.

Langya Terrace was built by the ancients in Langya Mountain more than 2000 years ago. In Shuijingzhu, Li Daoyuan described that Langya Terrace at that time was "isolated and conspicuous, out of many mountains, next Tuesday more than ten miles, beside the huge sea", and its "three layers of platform base, three zhang high, the upper level is open, more than 200 steps, five miles high".

 Where is Langya Terrace

At present, Langya Terrace can still be seen to be divided into three levels, ascending one by one. The altitude is 183.4m, the perimeter of the mountain is 7.5km, and the perimeter of the flat platform 130 meters. The landscape of Langyatai Scenic Area includes Langyatai, the Dragon Bay under Langyatai, the coastal scenic belt around Langyatai, and the historic sites and natural scenery on Taiqian Zhaitang Island.

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