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What specialties can Lanzhou take away? Gansu Lanzhou specialties

2020-12-25 Source: Weather [font: large   in   Small

Lanzhou is a prefecture level city in Gansu Province. When talking about Lanzhou, you will think of Lanzhou Ramen. Now that you are in Lanzhou, what specialties can Lanzhou take away?

   Lanzhou Specialty I: Lanzhou Big Plate Melon Seeds

Lanzhou Daban melon seed is a special product of Lanzhou, Gansu Province. Daban melon seed is taken from the seed melon, and it is eaten because it is broken by boxing, also known as "beating melon". The varieties of large melon seeds are very diverse, including spiced melon seeds, salt and pepper melon seeds, sweet melon seeds, cream melon seeds, multi flavor melon seeds and other finished products, which are rich in protein, fat, vitamin B, D and other nutrients, becoming high-end food for guests and relatives.

   Lanzhou Specialty 2: Gourd Carving

Gourd carving is a traditional handicraft in Lanzhou, Gansu Province. It is carved on small gourds with patterns or art works such as landscapes, flowers, birds, figures, etc. The gourd carving in Lanzhou has a history of more than 70 years. Lanzhou gourd carving is a small gourd variety specially selected. It uses needles to depict characters, landscapes, flowers, etc., and is accompanied by poetry and calligraphy. The carving is exquisite and exquisite, focusing on vivid and freehand brushwork, and has strong artistic appeal; With strong national and local characteristics, it is a good gift and collection from ancient and modern times, and is loved by connoisseurs at home and abroad.

   Lanzhou Specialty III: Lanzhou Folk Paper Cutting

Lanzhou folk paper-cut is a traditional handicraft in Lanzhou, Gansu Province. It has a very long history. It is divided into two parts: window flower and embroidery patterns. Window flower clippings are mostly made on the Spring Festival or the festive day. Besides six animals, they are mostly traditional folk stories. Embroidery patterns are mostly embroidered on pillow towels, tablecloths, door curtains, table skirts and pillows.

   Lanzhou Specialty IV: Lanzhou casserole

Lanzhou sand pot is carefully selected with excellent technology. It is made of blue, fine, impurity free, soft, tenacious, and high fire resistance crucible mud, good lump coal, white clay, and anthracite. The preparation method is to first crush the selected crucible mud, burn the lump coal into half life dregs, pick up all the glaze, screen out the white ash, crush it into fine powder, then grind the white clay into fine powder, make it into a pot blank, dry it, glaze it, install the kiln, and bake it.

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