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Milk and egg mash

Reason for recommendation:

Milk and egg fermented glutinous rice, as its name implies, is boiled with milk, eggs and fermented rice. This fermented glutinous rice is rich in nutrition, easy to digest and absorb, and has the function of helping digestion and improving appetite. It is the most "perfect food". In addition, it can also refresh, beautify and lose weight, which can be called a good product that can not be missed by women friends!

brief introduction

Milk and egg fermented glutinous rice, as its name implies, is boiled with milk, eggs and fermented rice. This fermented glutinous rice is rich in nutrition, easy to digest and absorb, and has the function of helping digestion and improving appetite. It is the most "perfect food". In addition, it can also refresh, beautify and lose weight, which can be called a good product that can not be missed by women friends!

Boil the fermented glutinous rice in milk, add egg blossom, and sprinkle raisins, medlar, peanuts, white sugar, etc. The finished product is yellow and white, and the aroma of milk and rice wine is intoxicating. All kinds of dry and fresh fruits are dotted, colorful, and people who can see them will feel drool everywhere. Egg blossom tastes soft, smooth, refreshing, sweet, slightly sour, and full of color, flavor and taste. It is a popular food in Jincheng Lanzhou. The first people to eat milk and egg fermented glutinous rice were Linxia people in Gansu, and later it was introduced into Lanzhou.

Nutritional value of milk and egg mash:

1: It is the most "perfect food" with rich nutrition, easy digestion and absorption, and functions to help digestion and increase appetite.

2: It can refresh and relieve fatigue, quench thirst and relieve summer heat, promote blood circulation, relax muscles and activate collaterals, and strengthen the body. It is also a good product for middle-aged and elderly people, pregnant women and the weak to nourish qi and blood.

3: It is rich in protein, minerals, etc., especially vitamin B. It can moisturize the skin, protect the epidermis, prevent wrinkles, make the skin smooth, soft, white and tender, make the hair black and reduce shedding, thus playing a role in skin care and beauty.

4: To lose weight, it contains high fat and calories, so many people do not eat dairy products in order to lose weight. However, the research of the University of Tennessee in the United States shows that the rich calcium element in this product is very important for fat degradation in the human body.