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Manchu hotpot

Reason for recommendation:

Manchu hotpot has a long history and belongs to Muslim. Copper pot with charcoal fire, chicken soup boiling, mixed with sauerkraut shreds, vermicelli, used to rinse pork, mutton, chicken, fish, and sometimes pheasant, roe deer, venison and dragon meat. Some also use a variety of mountain mushroom soup, such as hazelnut mushroom, mushroom, grass mushroom, Hailaer mushroom, and so on.

brief introduction

Manchu hotpot has a long history and belongs to Muslim. Copper pot with charcoal fire, chicken soup boiling, mixed with sauerkraut shreds, vermicelli, used to rinse pork, mutton, chicken, fish, and sometimes pheasant, roe deer, venison and dragon meat. Some also use a variety of mountain mushroom soup, such as hazelnut mushroom, mushroom, grass mushroom, Hailaer mushroom, and so on.

Historical culture

Manchu hotpot has a long history. There are basically three statements about the origin of Manchu hotpot in terms of time: the first is as early as the Jin Dynasty; The second is when Genghis Khan entered the Central Plains; The third is the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

As early as the Jin Dynasty, the ancestors of the Manchu and Zhou ethnic groups had a custom of cooking deer and roe deer with chicken soup when hunting in the wild. The chicken soup boiled in the pottery pot is steaming hot, and the deer and roe deer meat slices are boiled and eaten at the same time.

When Genghis Khan entered the Central Plains, he ate horse meat with his helmet, which is regarded as the origin of Manchu hotpot.

During the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, Aixin Jueluo Nurhachi, the first ancestor of the Qing Dynasty, led his men to march and fight. In order to save time, they cooked pigs, sheep, beef, etc. in a pot. Later, when the Qing army entered the pass, they brought this eating habit to the Central Plains. Due to the delicious taste of Manchu hotpot, it was cooked by the chef in the imperial kitchen to make the best imperial food. By the middle of the Qing Dynasty, when Qianlong abdicated, he wanted to hold a feast for thousands of old people, so He Shen suggested holding a feast for thousands of old people. Qianlong said that his grandfather had held a feast for thousands of old people when he abdicated, but the weather was too cold for the old people. Ho Shen said, "Then eat a warmer hotpot.". In this way, the old people all over the country had a warm meal and praised the emperor's holiness when they returned, so eating Manchu hotpot became popular throughout the country.