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 Ten years since the advent of private banks: the Internet gene is "perfect", and the current demand for "blood transfusion" is urgent | Banking and insurance

Ten years since the advent of private banks: the Internet gene is "perfect", and the current demand for "blood transfusion" is urgent | Banking and insurance

 National Data Bureau: Deepen the reform of market-oriented allocation of data elements and improve the indicator system of digital China | finance and technology

National Data Bureau: Deepen the reform of market-oriented allocation of data elements and improve the indicator system of digital China | finance and technology

 Focus: A new regulation of "holding reduction" beyond expectations | Capital market

Focus: A new regulation of "holding reduction" beyond expectations | Capital market

 Logic and Practice of Insurance Fund Helping the Development of New Quality Productivity | Wealth and Asset Management

Logic and Practice of Insurance Fund Helping the Development of New Quality Productivity | Wealth and Asset Management

 Hong Kong Stock Market: Where to Go Capital Market

Hong Kong Stock Market: Where to Go Capital Market

 On the Digital Transformation of Small and Medium sized Banks | Banking and Insurance

On the Digital Transformation of Small and Medium sized Banks | Banking and Insurance

 Li Qiang: We should complete the task of reforming the local financial management system on schedule, and accelerate the formation of joint efforts of central and local governments | policy and supervision

Li Qiang: We should complete the task of reforming the local financial management system on schedule, and accelerate the formation of joint efforts of central and local governments | policy and supervision

 Wei Chenyang et al.: the reason, scale and path of digesting the stock of real estate | macro-economy

Wei Chenyang et al.: the reason, scale and path of digesting the stock of real estate | macro-economy

 The "most difficult" quarterly report of joint-stock banks: differentiation of profitability, continued downturn of net interest margin | Banking and insurance

The "most difficult" quarterly report of joint-stock banks: differentiation of profitability, continued downturn of net interest margin | Banking and insurance

 LPR quotation in May continued to "hold still" | macro-economy

LPR quotation in May continued to "hold still" | macro-economy

 Focus: How is this "epic" real estate rescue different from 2008? What is the impact on A-share? | Macroeconomy

Focus: How is this "epic" real estate rescue different from 2008? What is the impact on A-share? | Macroeconomy

 Comprehensively promote a new round of fiscal and tax system reform | macro-economy on the track of rule of law

Comprehensively promote a new round of fiscal and tax system reform | macro-economy on the track of rule of law


Tsinghua Financial Review

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Tsinghua Financial Review

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Issue 126

Tsinghua Financial Review, 2024, Issue 5

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