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Taiwan's legislative reform proposal was rejected

Time: 2024-06-23 04:02:50 Source: The Dagong Daily

[Ta Kung Pao News] According to the China News Service, Taiwan's executive body proposed an amendment to the Taiwan legislative reform bill. Taiwan's legislature voted on the amendment on the 21st, and 113 "legislators" were present to vote. Finally, the amendment was rejected by 62 votes to 51.

On May 28, Taiwan's legislature passed a bill on third reading jointly proposed by the Chinese Kuomintang and the Taiwan People's Party on the reform of this institution. In response, Taiwan's executive body submitted a proposal for review on June 6, which was approved by Lai Qingde, the leader of Taiwan, and then transferred to Taiwan's legislature for review. A vote was taken on June 21.

At about 10:00 on the same day, Han Guoyu, the head of Taiwan's legislature, announced the start of voting. The KMT's 52 "legislators", plus two non party "legislators" who were pro blue, cooperated with the eight "legislators" of the Popular Party, and cast a total of 62 votes "to uphold the original resolution and oppose reconsideration"; All 51 DPP "legislators" voted "Yes". The final reply was rejected.

After the motion of reply is rejected by Taiwan's legislature, Taiwan's executive body shall accept the original resolution. Chen Shikai, spokesman for Taiwan's executive branch, responded on the same day that the executive branch would apply for "interpretation of the law" after the promulgation of the legislative reform bill.

Before the vote on the same day, supporters of both blue and green parties had gathered outside the Taiwan legislature. In order to prevent conflicts, the Taipei police dispatched a large number of police forces to maintain order at the scene.

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