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Li Jiachao: Give priority to the interests of HKU and calm down the school politics as soon as possible

Time: 2024-06-19 04:02:19 Source: The Dagong Daily

Picture: Li Jiachao met with the media before attending the executive meeting yesterday to express his views on the political turmoil of HKU\ Picture of China News Agency

Recently, the University of Hong Kong has been in constant turmoil. Last week, the SAR Government announced the establishment of a "research group" on the recent internal operation of the University. The Chief Executive Li Jiachao said yesterday when he met the reporters before attending the Executive Council that there is a need to improve the administrative operation of HKU. He will put the interests of HKU first and seek consensus as soon as possible to clarify the truth.

Many politicians believe that the SAR Government attaches great importance to the issue, and the incident has also attracted great attention from the Hong Kong community. They hope that the storm can be resolved as soon as possible, and the school affairs of HKU can be back on track, so that the university can continue to develop\ Ta Kung Pao reporter Gong Xueming

Li Jiachao pointed out that the "Research Group" has started its work, meeting with the President of HKU and the President of the University Council, and arranging interviews with different people. He said that it is now preliminarily understood that some vice presidents of HKU have been vacant for more than five years, while others have temporarily held important posts for more than five years. Some vice presidents have changed five people in four years during the vacant period, which is not ideal. Li Jiachao believed that this "cannot make the overall administrative work unaffected", and pointed out that if everyone agreed that the interests of HKU were the first, he could not see anything that could not be solved.

Li Jiachao said that he had asked the working group to determine the work priorities as soon as possible. Appropriation is an important aspect. There is an accountability agreement to ensure that public funds are used properly. In addition, it is also expected to improve the governance and accountability of the University through the appropriation, so as to coordinate with the overall development. He said that he would put the interests of HKU first, seek consensus as soon as possible, and expect the cooperation of relevant people to clarify the truth.

Political circles hope that the university's affairs will return to normal

Wang Peishi, the chairman of the University Council of Hong Kong, who is also the chairman of the Commission, saw the media after attending the meeting of the Commission yesterday. When asked about the disturbance of Hong Kong University, he expressed his gratitude to everyone for their concern, and did not respond for the time being. He hoped that everyone would support the University of Hong Kong. When asked whether there would be identity conflicts when holding multiple public offices and whether he would consider resigning from any public office, Wang Peishi replied that there was no identity conflict.

Ge Peifan, a member of the Election Committee, expressed his support for the Chief Executive's handling method and hoped that the SAR Government would deal with the matter as soon as possible, and that the storm would be resolved as soon as possible, so that the university's affairs could be back on track and the university could continue to develop.

Liang Xi, a member of the Hong Kong Island Eastern Legislative Council, said that as a very important academic signboard in Hong Kong, HKU has attracted much attention from the society. As the Chief Executive said, some important posts in HKU have been vacant for a long time, and even the candidates are often changed, which is not ideal for the governance of HKU. Therefore, he strongly supports the Chief Executive, as the supervisor of HKU, to intervene in the incident decisively and set up a working group to deal with relevant issues fundamentally.

Liang Xi expects that under the investigation of the research team, the storm will soon subside and governance will be further improved, so that HKU can concentrate on teaching and make greater contributions to Hong Kong and the country.

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