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Zou Xingtong and six others were arrested for violating the national security regulations

Time: 2024-05-29 04:02:28 Source: The Dagong Daily

Picture: Zou Xingtong and his mother, who are being remanded, were arrested on suspicion of "crimes related to incitement intention" in violation of the National Security Regulations.

[Ta Kung Pao News] Yesterday, the National Security Department of the police took law enforcement action in many districts of Hong Kong, including the Tai Lam Women's Correctional Institution, and arrested a total of six people, five men and one woman aged between 37 and 65, suspected of violating Article 24 of the National Security Maintenance Ordinance, "Crimes related to incitement". According to the news, the arrested people include Zou Xingtong and his mother Zou Liuhuazhen who are being remanded, Liu Jiayi, a former member of the Standing Committee of the Federation of Support Organizations, and Li Yingzi, a member of the Social People's Association. The Secretary for Security, Deng Bingqiang, pointed out that the arrested people were suspected of using anonymity to publish seditious posts continuously through a social page called "Xiao Tong Group Draw Club". He stressed that the police's law enforcement action was based on evidence and carried out in strict accordance with the law, and that decisive action must be taken to safeguard Hong Kong and national security.

Continuously publish posts with seditious intention

According to the court warrant, the police searched the residences of five of the arrested persons and seized a batch of materials related to the case, including electronic communication devices suspected of being used to release information with seditious intent. The police investigation shows that a woman who is being remanded is suspected of being arrested through five other people. Since April 2024, she has been publishing seditious posts anonymously on a special page of a social platform, taking advantage of a sensitive day that is coming, to provoke the public to hate the central government, the SAR government and the judiciary, And intend to incite netizens to organize or participate in illegal activities in the later period.

This is a law enforcement action taken by the police in accordance with the National Security Maintenance Regulations. The offence relating to incitement is a serious offence punishable by imprisonment for up to seven years. The police stressed that those who intend to endanger national security should not expect to escape the police investigation anonymously online. We call on the public to be clear about the facts and not be deceived by false and distorted information, or even incited to participate in illegal or even harmful acts and activities that endanger national security.

When Deng Bingqiang met with the media yesterday, he stressed that the Regulations on Safeguarding National Security are aimed at a small number of people who want to endanger national security, and there is no problem in criticizing government measures based on objective facts. About two months after the National Security Regulations came into force, citizens continue to enjoy the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Basic Law. He also pointed out that recently, some external forces are still determined to interfere in Hong Kong affairs, create incidents and discredit the SAR government, and appeal to the public not to be instigated to commit illegal acts.

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