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Biden Signed the Foreign Military Assistance Package Including Military Assistance to Taiwan into a Response from the French Taiwan Affairs Office

2024-05-15 10:32:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference this morning. Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office, presided over the press conference.
China Review News Agency of Hong Kong: It is reported that recently US President Biden has signed into law a package of foreign military assistance bills, which include military assistance to Taiwan and other contents. The DPP authorities expressed their gratitude. What's your comment on this?
Chen Binhua: The Taiwan issue is purely an internal affair of China and brooks no external interference. We express our strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the US move. The United States should take practical actions to fulfill its commitment not to support "Taiwan independence", stop arming Taiwan in any way, and stop sending wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities are willing to be the pawn of external forces to "control China with Taiwan" in order to seek the private interests of one party, which is bringing Taiwan to a dangerous situation. Advise the DPP authorities that their attempts to "seek independence by relying on the United States" and "seek independence by force" are doomed to failure. (Editor/Li Ning)
[Editor in charge: Li Ning]