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The Taiwan Affairs Office urges the DPP authorities to solve the "February 14" vicious collision as soon as possible

2024-05-15 10:28:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference this morning. Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office, presided over the press conference.

China Central Radio and Television (CCTV), "Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits" reporter: Mainland coast police ships have recently carried out law enforcement patrols in the waters near Kinmen for many times. Some public opinion believes that the "February 14" vicious collision incident has not been properly resolved yet, and the mainland is putting pressure on the DPP authorities. What's your comment on this?

Chen Binhua: Taiwan is a part of China. The mainland maritime police departments carry out normal law enforcement patrols in the waters near Jinmen according to law, which is a legitimate act to maintain the order of operations in relevant waters. We will never tolerate or tolerate the DPP authorities' brutal acts of ignoring the safety of life and property of fishermen on the mainland and hurting the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the Straits. The DPP authorities must give an account to the families of the victims and compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits as soon as possible, otherwise all the consequences will be borne by the DPP authorities. (Editor/Wang Siyu)

[Editor in charge: Wang Siyu]