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Ten Exit Entry Policies and Measures Have Been Implemented for a Hundred Days, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China: The number of people coming and going between Fujian and Taiwan has greatly increased, and the life and development of Taiwanese in Fujian is more convenient

2024-04-24 10:40:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference this morning. Zhu Fenglian, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office, presided over the press conference.
China National Radio and Television (CCTV): The National Immigration Administration's Exit Entry Administration has supported the implementation of ten exit and entry policies and measures for Fujian to build a demonstration area for the integrated development of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits for more than 100 days. Taiwan compatriots in Fujian can enjoy many conveniences in transportation, finance, telecommunications and other aspects with Taiwan compatriot cards. Please brief the speaker on the progress in this regard.
Zhu Fenglian: The National Migration Administration has accelerated the facilitation of the application of Taiwan ID cards and made efforts to build Fujian into a "demonstration area for the facilitation of the application of Taiwan ID cards". Since the implementation of the ten exit and entry policies and measures to support Fujian in building a demonstration zone for the integrated development of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, phased results have been achieved, and positive results have been achieved in promoting personnel exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan and facilitating Taiwan compatriots' living in Fujian.
First, the number of people from Fujian to Taiwan increased significantly. Since this year, 90000 Taiwan compatriots have applied for five-year Taiwan compatriots' certificates in Fujian, up 56.4% year on year; The number of people who applied for a one-time Taiwan compatriot certificate was 11000, a year-on-year increase of 2 times; The number of Taiwan compatriots entering from Fujian port reached 230000 person times, up 2.6 times year on year; 54000 people come to Fujian and Taiwan to enjoy convenient customs clearance services, and more than 4400 ships to and from Fujian and Taiwan enjoy 7 × 24 hour all-weather customs clearance services.
Second, the life and development of Taiwan compatriots in Fujian are more convenient. At present, Taiwan compatriots in Fujian can enjoy 242 services in 16 fields such as transportation, finance and telecommunications. Since this year, the immigration certificate authentication service platform of the National Immigration Administration has provided free real-time identity verification services for 664000 people in Fujian and Taiwan, facilitating Taiwanese people to handle government affairs, public services and Internet applications in Fujian.
Third, the entry-exit service will be more high-quality and efficient. Fujian Provincial Public Security Exit and Entry Service Windows have all set up "Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises special windows" to handle exit and entry certificates, settlement, policy consultation and other businesses for Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises, and set up Taiwan compatriots service stations in 10 Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan enterprises associations. The 12367 service platform of the national immigration management agency provides services for Taiwanese and Taiwanese enterprises around the clock, and provides Minnan language telephone services. Since this year, it has provided 36000 telephone consulting services related to Taiwan, and responded in a timely manner to address the needs and expectations of Taiwanese in the field of entry and exit.
We will continue to work with relevant departments to further expand the application fields and service scope of Taiwan compatriots' cards, so that Taiwan compatriots can enjoy better services and more convenience. (Editor/Li Ning)
[Editor in charge: Li Ning]