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China's Ministry of Defense: "Taiwan independence" provokes the PLA's counter-measures once, and then moves forward

2024-05-24 16:09:00
Source: China News Network
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China news agency, Beijing, May 24, "Once 'Taiwan independence' provokes, our counter-measures will move forward until the complete reunification of the motherland is achieved." Wu Qian, spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense of China, said in an interview with reporters on the 24th about the joint exercise around Taiwan Island in the eastern theater of the PLA.

A reporter asked that recently, joint exercises were carried out around Weitai Island in the eastern war zone. US military officials said that the increase in tensions in the Taiwan Strait was worrisome. How do you respond to this?

Wu Qian said that recently, the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) organized forces such as the theater army, navy, air force and rocket corps to conduct joint exercises around Bitai Island to test the actual combat capability of the troops in joint operations. This action is to fight against the arrogance of "Taiwan independence" and deter the intervention of external forces, which is completely reasonable, legitimate and necessary.

Wu Qian pointed out that when Taiwan leaders took office, they seriously challenged the one China principle, openly sold the "two countries theory", and tried to "seek independence by force" and "seek independence by relying on foreign countries", pushing Taiwan compatriots into the danger of war. "This is just playing with fire. Those who play with fire will burn themselves."

Wu Qian said that Taiwan is China's Taiwan, and how to solve the Taiwan issue is the business of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people. The Chinese People's Liberation Army defends national sovereignty and territorial integrity with practical actions. "Once 'Taiwan independence' provokes, our counter-measures will be further advanced until the complete reunification of the motherland is achieved." (End)

[Editor in charge: Yang Yongqing]

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