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Wang Yi: "Taiwan independence" secessionist activities are the most destructive factor for peace in the Taiwan Strait

2024-05-22 08:22:00
Source: Xinhuanet
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Xinhua News Agency, Astana, May 21 (Reporter Zhang Jiye) On May 21 local time, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, made a speech at the meeting of foreign ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, clarifying China's solemn position on the Taiwan issue.

Wang Yi said that the Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests, and the "Taiwan independence" secessionist activities are the most destructive factor for peace in the Taiwan Strait. Lai Qingde's treachery to the nation and ancestors is contemptible. But no matter how hard they try, they can't stop China from achieving complete reunification and Taiwan will return to the embrace of the motherland. All "Taiwan independence" separatists will be nailed to the stigma column of history. China appreciates that the SCO member states, proceeding from safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each country, firmly adhere to the one China principle in line with the basic norms of international relations. I believe you will continue to support the just cause of the Chinese people to oppose the separatist activities of "Taiwan independence" and strive for national reunification.

[Editor in charge: Yang Yongqing]

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