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Taiwan businessman Taiqing feels the charm of Ningbo Haishu in running "looking for beautiful China"

2024-05-20 23:57:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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May 20, www.taiwan.com.cn On May 19, the National Tourism City Orientation Series "Looking for a Beautiful China" in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province was held at Tianyige Moon Lake, a national 5A scenic spot, with bright sunshine, birds singing and flowers fragrance. More than 20 Taiwanese businessmen from Haishu District, as well as marriage and family representatives from both sides of the Taiwan Straits, attended, adding a festive atmosphere to the "National Tourism Festival".

Activity site. (www.taiwan.com)

Among the Taiwanese contestants, some are senior Taiwanese businessmen who have worked hard in Ningbo for many years, some are Taiwanese youths who have just arrived in Ningbo, and some are Taiwanese families with their families. The competitive atmosphere on the spot made the Taiwanese people more energetic and brave. By understanding the profound cultural heritage of Ningbo, the contestants listened to the melodious bell of the Drum Tower while running and felt the ancient charm of Tianyi Pavilion.

Taiwan compatriots participated in the "Looking for a Beautiful China" National Tourism City Orientation Series. (www.taiwan.com)

Ji Zhengyi, a Taiwanese businessman, was the last president of the Youth Federation of the Ningbo Taiwan Association and an active participant in Taiwan Youth activities. He came from Yuyao with his two sons to participate in the competition in the early morning. "The Moon Lake Park in the morning is refreshing, and it is a special experience to take the children to participate in the parent-child orientation run here. Tianyige Moon Lake Scenic Area has been here many times, and this time the clocking route and the scenic area are well combined, and you can feel the charm of the 'millennium dawn'." His humor makes the race full of joy.

Tai Qing Sheng Yuhuai said: "The orienteering competition in the Millennium Luocheng and the 5A scenic spot has let me relax my whole body and mind at the weekend. It is a very interesting experience to compete with you physically and mentally. Participation in this activity can help the youth on both sides of the Taiwan Straits deepen their friendship and go hand in hand."

In recent years, Haishu District of Ningbo has organized more than 30 thematic activities such as culture, sports and grass-roots exchanges, attracting more than 500 Taiwanese to actively participate. More and more Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwanese want to participate in local cultural and sports activities, and increase communication and exchange with each other while strengthening their health. (Editor/Hu Hanxin)

[Editor in charge: Li Dan]

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