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We introduced legal measures to punish "independence", and punished five "celebrities" of rumor mongering stations! Taiwan Affairs Office Releases the Latest Signal of "Independence"

2024-05-15 15:11:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Chen Binhua, spokesman of the National Taiwan Affairs Office, answered questions from reporters. (Photographed by Yin Sainan, a reporter from Taiwan. com)

On May 15, www.taiwan.com.cn, "For those die hards who have bad words and deeds and rampant activities to seek independence, the state will introduce legal measures to crack down on the secession of the country and incite criminal acts of secession in accordance with the law." "Public opinion is not a place outside the law. The mainland will punish the above-mentioned five people and their families in accordance with the law." At the regular press conference held by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on May 15, the spokesman Chen Binhua released the above news, releasing the latest signal of the mainland's "independence".
  The country will introduce legal measures to crack down on die hards who talk and act badly about "independence" and seek "independence"
Lai Qingde, the new leader of Taiwan, will officially take office on May 20. Many people in his new "ruling" team are strongly "Taiwan independence", including some listed "Taiwan independence" die hards. Some analysts believe that the risk of "Taiwan independence" will continue to rise in the future, and the situation in the Taiwan Strait will become more complex and severe.
In the face of this hidden concern, Chen Binhua said that for some time, the DPP authorities have stubbornly adhered to the separatist position of "Taiwan independence", refused to recognize the "1992 consensus" embodying the one China principle, directed and connived at the "Taiwan independence" die hards to openly promote the "two countries theory", wantonly linked with external forces to seek "independence" provocations, deliberately provoked and intensified the confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, Rough obstruction and restriction of normal exchanges and exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have constantly raised tensions and turbulence in the Taiwan Straits.
"The 'Taiwan independence' split betrays the national justice and the popular sentiment, seriously endangering national sovereignty, security and development interests. We will never tolerate, tolerate or let it go." Chen Binhua warned the "Taiwan independence" elements with "three no's". He pointed out that the state will introduce legal measures to severely crack down on and incite the criminal act of splitting the country according to law for those die hards who are involved in "independence" and whose words and deeds are bad, and whose activities of seeking "independence" are rampant.
"The state has introduced legal measures to punish 'independence', which is aimed at a very small number of 'Taiwan independence' elements and their separatist activities, and is by no means Taiwan compatriots." Chen Binhua stressed.
When will the legal measures to punish "Taiwan independence" elements on the mainland be introduced as soon as Taiwan media reporters are concerned? What are the specific contents? Chen Binhua responded, "Please wait and see what the specific measures are."
  Long term rumors slander the mainland! The mainland will punish five Taiwan's so-called "celebrities" and their families
In recent years, some so-called Taiwan "celebrities" have fabricated false information, such as "mainland people can't afford tea eggs" and "mainland high-speed rail has no back", spread rumors and discredit the mainland, often causing opposition between Internet users on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. The mainland people are very indignant about this. It is reported that the mainland is studying disciplinary measures against these Taiwan "celebrities" who have been slandering for a long time.
At the press conference, Chen Binhua confirmed this. He pointed out that for some time, Huang Shicong, Li Zhenghao, Wang Yichuan, Yu Beichen, Liu Baojie and a few other so-called "celebrities" in Taiwan have deliberately fabricated false and negative information about the mainland, ignoring the fact that the mainland has developed and progressed, and spread it through television, the Internet, newspapers and other media. Their erroneous remarks misled some people on the island, provoked hostility between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and hurt the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the Straits. The facts are clear and the circumstances are serious. The mainland will punish the above-mentioned five people and their families according to law.
Chen Binhua said that silence and connivance of evil is injustice and harm to good. Public opinion is not beyond the law. Any act of fabricating and spreading rumors, disturbing social order and harming national honor and interests will be punished by law.
   Whether to follow the right path or the wrong path is a question that new leaders in Taiwan must seriously face and clearly answer
As the "May 20" approached, Lai Qingde's inaugural speech attracted the attention of all parties. A Taiwan media reporter asked: What does the mainland predict about the cross-strait relations in Lai Qingde's inaugural speech? How will you respond?
Chen Binhua said that peace rather than war, development rather than recession, exchange rather than separation, cooperation rather than confrontation are the mainstream public opinion in the island. Whether to conform to the public opinion and follow the right path of peaceful development, or go against the public opinion and take the wrong path of provocation and confrontation, is related to the interests and well-being of Taiwan compatriots, to the future of Taiwan's development, and to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. It is a question that new leaders in Taiwan must seriously face and clearly answer.
In response to Lai Qingde's repeatedly expressed willingness to carry out cross-strait dialogue in the form of "the ruling party to the ruling party" recently, Chen Binhua once again stressed that as long as any political party in Taiwan recognizes the one China principle, there will be no obstacles to exchanges with us. As long as the DPP abandons its position of "Taiwan independence", dialogue and exchanges can proceed. (By Li Ning)
[Editor in charge: Li Ning]