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Taiwan Affairs Office: Taiwan's participation in WHO activities must be handled in accordance with the one China principle

2024-05-03 18:06:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China (photographed by Yin Sainan, reporter of Taiwan. com)

On May 3, it was reported that the US Secretary of State Blinken recently issued a statement saying that the US side strongly encouraged the World Health Organization to invite Taiwan to participate in this year's World Health Assembly as an observer. Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on the 3rd that on the issue of Taiwan's participation in the activities of the World Health Organization, our position is consistent and clear, that is, it must be handled in accordance with the one China principle, which is also the fundamental principle confirmed by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 2758 and the World Health Assembly resolution 25.1. The DPP authorities stubbornly adhere to the split position of "Taiwan independence" and refuse to recognize the "1992 consensus" embodying the one China principle, leading to the loss of the political basis for Taiwan's participation in the World Health Assembly. This situation is entirely caused by the DPP authorities.
Chen Binhua stressed that the Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs and brooks no external interference. The United States should immediately stop using the World Health Assembly to hype Taiwan related issues, adhere to the one China principle and the three Sino US joint communiques with practical actions, rather than saying one thing and doing one thing and constantly conniving at "Taiwan independence" separatist activities.
Chen Binhua pointed out that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are a family, and we always care about the health and well-being of Taiwan compatriots. In line with the one China principle, we have made appropriate arrangements for Taiwan's participation in global health affairs. Taiwan's participation in the World Health Assembly was both reasonable and feasible. However, in order to seek "independence", the DPP authorities deliberately politicized the health issue and attempted to engage in "Taiwan independence" activities at the World Health Assembly with the help of external forces. The facts of the past seven years have proved that this evil path is impossible, and this time it will also end in failure. (Editor/Chang Kaite)
[Editor in charge: Liu Jiachen]