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Seeking Opportunities and Seeking Development to Promote Integration of Taiwan Enterprises and Taiwan Youth into Hainan Free Trade Port

2024-04-24 08:52:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Haikou, Taiwan. com, April 24 (reporter Chen Jiahui) Qiongtai worked together to draw a picture of integrated development. From April 23 to 24, the 2024 event of Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan youth entering the free trade port was held in Haikou, Hainan Province. More than 100 Taiwanese businessmen and representatives from Taiwan and Qingdao gathered in the "Coconut City" to understand the strategic positioning and development plan of Hainan Free Trade Port, explore the mode of industrial exchange and cooperation between Hainan and Taiwan, and seek a new chapter in the integration and development of the two sides.

   As a Chinese, I must visit it once in my life

Weng Dingjun, a young Taiwanese who has worked and lived in Dawan District for a long time, came to Hainan for the first time. "The weather, natural scenery and even the dialect here are similar to Taiwan", making Weng Dingjun feel like returning to his hometown. He looked forward to visiting Wenchang Space Supercomputing Center and Hainan International Commercial Space Launch Center. "As a Chinese, I must go to see it once in my life to experience the great and vast space project of China".

Taiwan Qinglin Shuren, who took root in Daliang Mountain of Sichuan Province and participated in rural revitalization in the mainland, said that various development policies of the mainland, beautiful green waters and mountains, and broad market opportunities can help Taiwan youth realize their dreams. This activity gave him a deeper understanding of Hainan. The construction of a free trade port has brought rare development opportunities. Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan Qingdao should give play to their own advantages, take advantage of the situation, and realize their own values in this hot land.

   Taiqing's entrepreneurship in the mainland is "from a fish tank to the sea"

Taiwan Qinglin Jincheng is engaged in the construction of Taiwan youth entrepreneurship base in Quanzhou. In less than three years, he has assisted nearly 200 Taiwanese youth to start businesses in the mainland. "Some came to the mainland with doubts", but Lin Jincheng was pleased to see that these Taiwanese soon found that the vast market, good economic development momentum and first-class business environment in the mainland had brought them unprecedented opportunities, and felt that "from the fish tank to the sea".

Zhong Jieming, Deputy Executive Director of the Youth Committee of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, often said that 2004 was a year of great turning point in his life, because that year he decided to come to the mainland to start his own business. In the past 20 years, he has not only realized the transformation from "a white man in the workplace" to a successful entrepreneur, but also gained sweet love and a happy family. "The experience of pursuing, building and fulfilling dreams on the mainland has made me deeply realize that no matter where I am, compatriots on both sides of the Straits are of the same origin and have always been a family," Zhong Jieming said.

   Conditions are much better now than they were 25 years ago

This year is the 25th year that Hong Yizhan, Executive Vice President of Taiwan funded Enterprises Association of Hainan Province, has come to Hainan for development. He runs a rare marine fish breeding and production enterprise in Ledong County. The weather and hydrological conditions in Ledong are very similar to those in Yilan County, Taiwan, which gives full play to his accumulated fishery experience and enables the enterprise to develop rapidly. "The conditions are much better now than they were 25 years ago." Hong Yizhan said that the construction of the free trade port is changing with each passing day and contains many development opportunities. Hainan has introduced a series of measures to benefit Taiwan and the people, attracting more and more Taiwan enterprises and young people to invest and start businesses in Hainan.

"Taiwan funded enterprises are enthusiastic about investing in the free trade port, and Hainan has now initially formed an industrial cooperation structure with Qiongtai characteristics." Huang Yicheng, chairman of the Association of Agricultural and Fishery Exchanges, Development and Investment across the Taiwan Straits, said that Hainan actively optimizes the business environment, builds a bridge for investment and cooperation between enterprises across the Taiwan Straits, supports Taiwanese investment and entrepreneurship in Hainan, and promotes the in-depth development of Qiongtai cooperation. (End)

[Editor in charge: Yang Yongqing]

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