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In 2024, the activity of Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan youth entering the free trade port will be held in Haikou

2024-04-23 18:45:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Haikou, Taiwan. com, April 23 (reporter Chen Jiahui) On April 23, the Center for Economic and Technological Cooperation across the Taiwan Straits and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Hainan Province jointly held the 2024 event of Taiwan enterprises, Taiwan and youth entering the free trade port in Haikou. The event, with the theme of "Taiwan and Taiwan work together to draw integrated development", aims to help Taiwan enterprises, Taiwan and youth seize the opportunities of Hainan free trade port construction and deepen cross-strait industrial cooperation, Boost integrated development. More than 100 representatives, including the Cross Strait Economic and Trade Exchange Association, the Cross Strait Agricultural Exchange Association, the Cross Strait Shipping Exchange Association, the China Banking Association, the China Customs Declaration Association, the Cross Strait Agricultural and Fishery Exchange and Development Investment Association, the Taiwan Youth Elite Association, the Taiwan Hakka General Chamber of Commerce, the mainland branches of Taiwan funded banks, and representatives of Taiwan's shipping industry, attended the meeting.

   Lin Sheng, Deputy Director of the United Front Work Department of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, called on Taiwan enterprises and youth to seize the historical opportunity, understand Hainan, understand Hainan, gather consensus, actively integrate into the new development pattern of the mainland of China, and participate in high-quality development. Cao Fengwei, Deputy Director of the Department of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao of the Ministry of Commerce, and Vice President of the Association for Economic and Trade Exchanges across the Taiwan Straits, said that the Ministry of Commerce has vigorously promoted the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment in Hainan Free Trade Port, and has successively issued a series of policies and measures, hoping that Taiwan enterprises, Taiwan and youth will make full use of policy advantages and share the achievements of development and progress of the mainland. Jiang Jianping, Vice President of Cross Strait Agricultural Exchange Association It was mentioned that there is great potential for cooperation between Qiongtai and Taiwan in tropical fruit planting, modern fisheries, improved variety breeding, germplasm resources development and utilization, and it is hoped that Taiwan enterprises, Taiwan and Qingdao can find a driving force in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and achieve win-win sharing. Yuan Ye, director of the Center for Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation across the Taiwan Straits, said that he hoped that Taiwanese youth participating in this event would share their experiences and insights with friends on the island, help more Taiwanese youth understand the mainland, promote youth on both sides of the Straits to work together and make youth shine in the process of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

   "Taiwan funded enterprises are enthusiastic about investing in the free trade port, and Hainan has now initially formed an industrial cooperation structure with Qiongtai characteristics." Chairman of the Association of Agricultural and Fishery Exchanges, Development and Investment across the Taiwan Straits Huang Yicheng, President of Guangxi Beihai Taiwan Association We highly recognize the good business environment provided by Hainan and other mainland provinces and cities for the development of Taiwanese businesses. As the older generation of Taiwanese businesses, we call on Taiwan's youth to work hard to achieve better and faster development in the hot land of the mainland. Lin Gengyang, President of Shenzhen Branch of Cathay Pacific Shihua Bank, shared typical cases of Taiwan funded banks serving the real economy in the mainland, and said that he would continue to provide more financial support for Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan youth in the mainland. Taiwan Zhong Jieming, a youth of Saidek nationality, shared his entrepreneurial experience in the mainland and appealed to the young people in the island to pursue their dreams, remember their "roots and souls", and actively come to the mainland to pursue, build and realize their dreams. Lin Shuren, a Taiwan youth rooted in Daliang Mountain in Sichuan Province, mentioned in his speech that various development policies, beautiful waters and mountains, and broad market opportunities on the mainland can help Taiwan youth realize their dreams, and hopes that through his own efforts, more young people on the island will participate in the tide of integrated development across the Taiwan Straits.

   In addition, this event invites Department of Commerce of Hainan Province Key propaganda The free trade port policy is implemented in Haikou, Sanya, Danzhou, Wenchang, Qionghai, Ledong Li Autonomous County, etc Special promotion On April 24, "Qiongtai Young Entrepreneur Salon" will also be held to arrange visits to Hainan Energy Trading Center, Haikou National High tech Zone Mei'an Ecological Technology City, Hainan Ecological Software Park, etc

[Editor in charge: Luo Kailing]