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2023 "Feeling Full of Jilin" Mid Autumn Festival Friendship Meeting between Kyrgyz and Taiwanese Held in Changchun

2023-09-17 12:36:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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The activity site of the Mid Autumn Festival sodality. (www.taiwan.com)

On September 17, when the Mid Autumn Festival is approaching, the 2023 "Love Jilin" Mid Autumn Festival Friendship Meeting for Kyrgyz and Taiwanese with the theme of "Sharing Chinese Culture and Sharing the Mid Autumn Festival" was held in Changchun on the afternoon of September 16. The event was hosted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jilin Province and undertaken by the Jilin Strait Exchange Center. Zhang Yudou, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jilin Province, attended and delivered a speech, and more than 70 Taiwan compatriots working, studying and living in Kyrgyzstan attended the event.

Taiwan compatriots make moon cakes together. (www.taiwan.com)

The activity site was decorated with lanterns and streamers, full of festive celebrations everywhere. In the lecture session on traditional Chinese culture, Yu Tiangang, a teacher from Jilin University, vividly described the ideological source and spiritual characteristics of Chinese culture with the theme of "Chinese culture in myth". In the process of making hand-made mooncakes, compatriots on both sides of the Straits, while experiencing the traditional Chinese folk culture, also place their best wishes in the production. In the stage of artistic performance, some Taiwanese businessmen and students performed such wonderful performances as Moonlight in the Lotus Pond and Eloped to the Moon, bringing the happy festival atmosphere to a climax.

Zhang Yudou, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jilin Province, attended and delivered a speech. (www.taiwan.com)

Zhang Yudou, on behalf of the provincial Taiwan Affairs Office, extended holiday greetings and best wishes to the people in Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan and their relatives and friends. In his speech, he said that for a long time, people in Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan have made positive contributions to promoting Jilin's economic and social development, promoting economic and trade cooperation and people to people and cultural exchanges between Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan. At present, the province is fully implementing the high-quality development strategy of "one main industry and six double industries", vigorously developing "six new industries", and building "four new facilities". The cooperation space between Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan will be broader. The Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office will, as always, respect and care for Taiwan compatriots, care and support the development of Taiwanese businesses and enterprises, continue to promote the implementation of various Taiwan friendly policies, and earnestly do practical things, do good things, and solve problems for the majority of Taiwan compatriots in Kyrgyzstan. It is hoped that the majority of people in Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan will play a good role in bridging and making new and greater contributions to promoting the integration and development of Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan!

During the event, Taiwan compatriots told stories about themselves and Jilin, and shared their experiences and insights about working, studying and living in Jilin. Taiwan businessmen in Changchun said that they have taken root in Jilin's development for many years, witnessed the rapid development of Jilin's economy and society, and deeply felt the increasingly optimized business environment in Jilin. The Changchun Taiwan Association will continue to play a positive role, unite with Taiwan businessmen in Jilin, strengthen confidence in development, summon up energy, and actively integrate into the all-round revitalization of Jilin. The representative of Taiwanese students from Jilin University said that in the past few years of studying and living in Jilin, he deeply felt the warmth of "home" and saw broad development opportunities. In the future, he will continue to share the development and changes of the motherland and the mainland to his relatives and friends in the island in a timely manner, and drive more Taiwanese youth to pursue, build and realize their dreams here. Taiwan compatriots participating in the event said that both sides of the Taiwan Straits are a family whose blood is thicker than water. They will work together to promote the peaceful development of cross Straits relations with practical actions and work together to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and Jilin Strait Exchange Center)

[Editor in charge: Fang Linlin]