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In 2024, the activity of "National Network Law Popularization · Jiangsu Station" was launched in Wuxi

2024-04-25 20:11:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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The launching ceremony of "National Network Law Popularization · Jiangsu Station" in 2024. (Photographed by Fang Linlin, a reporter from Taiwan. com)

Wuxi, Taiwan. com, April 25 (Reporter Fang Linlin) On April 25, the 2024 "National Cyber Law Popularization · Jiangsu Station" activity was launched in Wuxi. Li Changxi, Director of the Cyber Rule Bureau of the Central Cyber Information Office, Yang Liqun, Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Cyber Information Office of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, and relevant leaders of Wuxi attended the activity and delivered speeches.

Li Changxi pointed out that this year marks the 10th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's goal of building a network power, the 30th anniversary of China's full-featured access to the Internet, and the 30th anniversary of the beginning of China's network rule of law. Since the launch of the series of activities of "National Network Law Popularization" in 2023, through leading and coordinating online and offline publicity activities, it has effectively publicized the concept of rule of law and popularized online legal knowledge. It is hoped that this activity will increase the supply of high-quality legal popularization products, strengthen network communication, firmly grasp the value mission of online legal publicity and education, widely publicize the historical achievements of China's online legal construction, and carefully promote the high-quality development of online legal publicity.

Yang Liqun said that the provincial network information system should keep in mind the ardent advice of General Secretary Xi Jinping, adhere to the legal network, run the network according to law, and access the Internet according to law, and constantly strengthen the important role of the network rule of law, especially the network law popularization, in escorting the development of new quality productivity. Jiangsu will take this event as an opportunity to promote the growth of law popularization on the Internet, to open a new situation, to constantly improve the concept of rule of law among netizens, and to make respecting the law and abiding by the law increasingly become a widespread consensus and basic criterion in cyberspace.

The 2024 joint initiative of network law popularization in the Yangtze River Delta was signed on the spot. (Photographed by Fang Linlin, a reporter from Taiwan. com)

At the launch ceremony, the platform of "E-learning" of Xi Jinping's rule of law ideology was launched, the featured cases of online law popularization in Jiangsu Province were released, the 2024 joint initiative of online law popularization in the Yangtze River Delta was signed, and the pre notice of the 19th national law based animation and micro video works collection activity was released. Connect to the online law popularization market of intangible cultural heritage in Huishan Ancient Town, Wuxi, and focus on the online legal publicity activities popular with the masses.

Law popularization practitioners and industry representatives conduct online law popularization exchanges. (www.taiwan.com)

The site also invited law popularization practitioners and industry representatives to share their experiences and disseminate legal knowledge from the perspectives of grassroots network law popularization exploration, implementation of the Regulations on the Protection of Minors' Networks, implementation of the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services, and production creativity of works for law popularization and people's livelihood.

In 2024, the "National Network Law Popularization · Jiangsu Station" activity was officially launched. (www.taiwan.com)

During the event, the guests and media reporters will also go to Wuxi and Suzhou to the National Internet of Things Advanced Manufacturing Industry Cluster Internet of Things Innovation Exhibition Center to see the new scene of technology enabling network law popularization; Visit the "E rise from the national trend" online law popularization market in Wuxi, and publicize the online law popularization form integrated with intangible cultural heritage culture; Go deep into the "Taoyun Fanghua" Internet law popularization theme block in Huishan District, Wuxi City, and investigate and publicize the grassroots practice of Internet law popularization in rural areas; Go to Suzhou Legal Education Base for Minors to promote online legal literacy education for minors; Visit the Suzhou Internet Court to experience the achievements of legalization of cyberspace governance in the cloud; Go to Suzhou Big Data Exchange to investigate and understand the data trading process mechanism.

The event was guided by the Cyber Rule Bureau of the Central Cyber Information Office, the Law Popularization and Law based Governance Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, hosted by the Cyber Information Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and the Department of Justice of Jiangsu Province, organized by the Cyber Information Office of the CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee, the Wuxi Municipal Bureau of Justice, and the China Jiangsu Network, and supported by the China Internet Development Foundation.

The launching ceremony of "National Network Law Popularization · Jiangsu Station" in 2024. (Photographed by Fang Linlin, a reporter from Taiwan. com)

Leaders from relevant departments of the Central Cyberspace Office, the Ministry of Justice, the General Administration of Market Supervision, the All China Federation of Trade Unions, and the China Law Society, as well as some provincial (district, city) Cyberspace Offices, central key news websites, key website platforms, representatives of relevant units and local news media in Jiangsu, and representatives of Internet enterprises attended the launch ceremony and activities.

[Editor in charge: Li Xiang]