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What does it mean when senior nursing talents have professional titles?

2024-03-20 09:35:00
Source: CCTV News Client
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Recently, the Department of Civil Affairs of Jiangsu Province and the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Jiangsu Province issued a notice, officially announcing the review results of the Professional and Technical Qualification Review Committee for Elderly Care in Jiangsu Province. The province is also the first batch of 168 elderly care professionals in China. Who are they? What does it mean to be awarded a professional title? More importantly, what is the relationship between this and solving the shortage of elderly care service talents? News 1+1 connects Lin Li, director of the Elderly Care Service Department of the Civil Affairs Department of Jiangsu Province; Lu Jiehua, director of the National Strategic Research Center for Aging at Peking University, and vice chairman of the Chinese Gerontology and Geriatrics Association, paid close attention to: becoming a nursing talent for the elderly, with a professional title!

   The first batch in China!

   168 elderly care workers in Jiangsu were awarded professional titles

As an elderly care nurse in Nanjing Zutangshan Social Welfare Institute, young Zhang Lu has worked here for 8 years, although she has just turned 30 this year. As an elderly care nurse, what is her daily work like with her colleagues? What is the process of applying for professional title recognition? What are the feelings after being evaluated?

   When senior nursing talents are awarded professional titles

   What does it mean?

Lin Li, Director of the Elderly Care Service Department of the Civil Affairs Department of Jiangsu Province: With the title of elderly care, it means that the elderly care profession has formed a complete system from professional disciplines to talent team building, as well as professional evaluation. Under such a system, employees of pension services can get through the path of career growth, which also means that this career has a higher "gold content", social recognition is improving, and the remuneration of employees involved will also be improved accordingly.

From last year's review of the first batch of professional and technical talents in elderly care, to this year, we have vigorously promoted the matching of the corresponding professional title with the corresponding salary and treatment, and established a more perfect talent praise and incentive mechanism. At the end of last year, Nanjing took the lead in issuing documents in this regard. For those on duty elderly care practitioners who have obtained professional titles, their post salary can be increased by about 20%. Such a favorable policy of professional title system can attract more professional talents to participate in the industry, and also enable talents to stay, deepen the development of pension services, and finally enable the elderly to receive more professional and high-quality pension services.

   Is "degree" important in the evaluation process?

   Why is there no senior professional title of designer?

Lin Li, Head of the Elderly Care Service Department of the Civil Affairs Department of Jiangsu Province: The evaluation of the professional title of elderly care is a complete system, and education is one of the important conditions. For example, the starting point of the junior professional title of elderly care nurse is technical secondary school, the starting point of the education of the responsible elderly care nurse is junior college, and the starting point of the education of the associate senior elderly care nurse is undergraduate. In addition to educational background, there are other relevant conditions in the review, such as working years, qualifications and professional ability and performance achievements. It is a multi-dimensional and complete evaluation system, so it can't be done without education, nor can it be done with education alone.

In addition, the pension nursing professional title system we explored and launched last year was set up as primary, intermediate and deputy high, which was not promoted to the highest level at that time, mainly considering that this is the pension nursing field in Jiangsu Province, and also the first time that the national civil affairs field has its own professional and technical title policy. After the introduction of the policy, we hope that through a period of practical testing and in-depth promotion of the work, we can expand to senior professional titles in the future, so as to build a more complete professional and technical title system.

   168 elderly care workers in Jiangsu were awarded professional titles

   What kind of signal is transmitted?

Lin Li, Director of the Elderly Care Service Department of the Civil Affairs Department of Jiangsu Province: I think this is a signal to the society and also plays a role in showing that the elderly care profession is not the traditional nanny care. In the modern sense, the elderly care service is not simply turning over, patting the back and feeding the elderly. It is a comprehensive quality demand, including the living care of the elderly, professional rehabilitation of the elderly, psychological care for the elderly, as well as the requirements for the post development of elderly care institutions. It is a complex talent demand that leads the corresponding development of the industry.

   After the first batch in China, expect more regional promotion

Lu Jiehua, Director of the National Strategic Research Center for Ageing at Peking University and Vice President of the Chinese Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Jiangsu's practice is a model and guide for other provinces, and relevant experience can be used for reference and promotion. If other regions do this again, they can refine it in many aspects.

① How to improve the rewards and allowances for corresponding professional titles?

② This time, 168 elderly care workers in Jiangsu were awarded professional titles, which were recognized by civil affairs and human resources and social security departments. The endowment talent team not only involves civil affairs departments, such as medical care industry, will the professional title be recognized? Is it possible to better solve the problem of professional title identification for cross department mobility in the next step?

③ Is it feasible to identify professional titles across regions? For example, after getting the professional title in Jiangsu, you can also move talents to other regions.

④ Most of the 168 staff members were assessed for their professional titles within the system, and more of them belonged to public institutions. In fact, private and privately run pension institutions are also increasing. How to assess the professional titles of these people and how to apply for them? It is also a new problem.

Other provinces can continue to explore and improve in the process of promoting Jiangsu's experience.

[Editor in charge: Yang Yongqing]

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