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Reporters visited the Fuzhou New Area branch of the Digital China Construction Summit: atmosphere filled the event with many highlights

2024-05-23 14:37:00
Source: Fuzhou News Network
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The 7th Digital China Construction Summit is about to open. At present, preparations for the summit are in full swing. As one of the sub venues of this Summit, how about the exhibition arrangement inside and outside the venue of Fuzhou New Area? What surprises will this year bring? With these questions in mind, the reporter visited Fuzhou Digital China Convention and Exhibition Center as the venue of Fuzhou New Area on the 22nd.

In Fuzhou Digital China Convention and Exhibition Center, the reporter saw that the atmosphere layout of the Convention and Exhibition Center and its surrounding areas has been basically completed. The atmosphere of the outfield is mainly blue. Spiritual fortress, gate head, "several dolls" shape, etc. have been successively arranged and put in place.

In addition, 480 road flags have been set up on 8 main roads around Fuzhou Digital China Convention and Exhibition Center, including Wensong Road, Donghu Road, Jinbin Road, and 20 banner slogans have been set up on Zhenghe Road, Huitang Road, Xixi Road, and the gathering place of urban people. "Grand occasion" has taken shape.

"This year's layout still revolves around the theme of digital China construction, and uses such elements as the logo of the conference, landmark buildings in Fujian Province, and the shape of" several dolls "." The person in charge of the relevant departments in Changle District introduced that the venue in Fuzhou New Area is consistent with the Strait Convention and Exhibition Center in terms of function setting and design style. In addition, Fuzhou Digital China Convention and Exhibition Center has undertaken many activities this year, and the atmosphere layout scheme has also been innovated on the basis of previous years, such as adding interactive experience areas, to achieve better display effects.

It is understood that the venue of this Summit in Fuzhou New Area is expected to receive about 5000 guests of all kinds, reaching a new high. In order to ensure the work of the venue in Fuzhou New Area, the Management Committee of Fuzhou New Area, the CPC Changle District Committee and the District Government set up a special leading group to do a good job in the atmosphere layout, venue arrangements, volunteer services, visit reception, accommodation, transportation, security, certification and other service guarantees, and escort the event.

Entering the exhibition hall, you can feel the strong digital atmosphere. In Chaoping Hall 1, the Digital China Innovation Competition · Digital Security Industry Track Data Security Industry Talent Points Competition has been launched. The reporter saw at the scene that more than 400 contestants from all over the country in multi-color team uniforms were concentrating on operating computers to compete for points on the competition topics provided by the organizing committee. The big screen in the field updated the points data of each team in real time.

"Since April this year, this competition has been divided into student groups and non student groups. After the preliminary and semi-final, more than 100 teams and 400 players have come to the fore and entered the final." The relevant responsible person introduced that this track is one of the 12 competitions of 2024 Digital China Innovation Competition, aiming to promote data security technology innovation, achievement transformation High quality development in data security industry fields such as talent training.

The Digital China Innovation Competition · Digital Security Industry Track is just the beginning of various activities in the venue of Fuzhou New Area. From May 21 to 24, six events were arranged in the venue of Fuzhou New Area, including Fujian Hong Kong Digital Economy Cooperation Forum, Fuzhou New Area Digital Economy New Quality Productivity Special Investment Attraction Matchmaking Activity, Artificial Intelligence and Data Element Industry Ecological Conference, "Great Wall Cup" Information Security Triathlon, etc., aiming to promote the innovation and development of digital economy and security industry.

It is worth noting that the Digital China Innovation Contest · Intelligent Technology Track held from 23rd to 25th is the first time to open this Digital China Innovation Contest, and the number of participants is expected to reach 400. The Fujian Hong Kong Digital Economy Cooperation Forum held in the afternoon of 24th will be upgraded to the sub forum of the Digital Summit for the first time. About 400 people, including leaders of the Hong Kong Re start Alliance and experts, enterprises and association representatives in the digital field of Fujian, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, will be invited to attend the forum. From the direction of exploring the business model of Hong Kong digital and Fujian computing, the results of Fujian Hong Kong cooperation in the process of building a digital China will be comprehensively displayed.

[Editor in charge: Huang Xiaodi]

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