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Seven provinces will usher in the new college entrance examination. All adopt the "3+1+2" model

2024-05-23 12:44:00
Source: Guangming Daily
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On May 21, Anhui Provincial Education Admission and Examination Institute issued the Implementation Measures of Anhui Province for College Enrollment Work in 2024, and announced the specific schedule of the examination. So far, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Guizhou and Gansu, the fourth batch of provinces with comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, have announced the specific implementation measures for the 2024 college entrance examination. This means that the above seven provinces will welcome the first test of the new college entrance examination in June.

According to the published specific measures, the seven provinces all adopt the "3+1+2" model: "3" is the subject of the national unified examination of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages; "1" is the preferred subject. Candidates can choose one subject from physics and history; "2" is a re selected subject. Candidates can choose 2 subjects from the four subjects of politics, geography, chemistry and biology.

The examination is scheduled from June 7 to June 9. The duration of the Chinese test is 150 minutes, the duration of the math and foreign language test is 120 minutes, and the duration of the optional test is 75 minutes.

The examinee's score is composed of the scores of three unified subjects of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages and the scores of three elective subjects chosen by the examinee, with a full score of 750. The full score of Chinese, mathematics and foreign language (including listening) is 150, and the original score is included in the total score; The full score of elective subjects is 100. The original score of history and physics subjects is included in the total score, and the grade score of other subjects is included in the total score.

In terms of admission, Guangxi and Guizhou made it clear that the batch of undergraduate courses would be merged, and no distinction would be made between one and two. Heilongjiang, Anhui, Gansu, etc. will adopt the "college professional group" model to prepare enrollment plans.

The Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in College Enrollment Work in 2024, which requires that the fourth batch of provinces with comprehensive reform of college entrance examination should make every effort to do a good job in the implementation of the new college entrance examination, and elaborately formulate the work plan for proposition, examination and admission. Strengthen the whole process full member simulation drill, do a good job in all aspects of the work, such as the guidance of candidates' volunteer filling, filing and admission, and ensure the smooth implementation of the reform.

Previously, Guangxi, Gansu and other places have completed the adaptability drill of college enrollment, which includes adaptability testing, score query, simulated volunteer filling and other links.

[Editor in charge: Huang Xiaodi]

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