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Former People's Representatives Exposed the Situation of Five "Celebrities" in Taiwan by the State Taiwan Affairs Office

2024-05-16 08:57:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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The Taiwan Affairs Office announced that it would punish Liu Baojie, Li Zhenghao, Yu Beichen, Huang Shicong, Wang Yichuan and their families. (Picture source: Taiwan "Dongsen News")

On May 16, www.taiwan.com.cn, Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China, announced at a press conference on May 15 that five so-called "celebrities" in Taiwan and their families would be punished, including Liu Baojie, Li Zhenghao, Yu Beichen, Huang Shicong and Wang Yichuan.

According to TVBS in Taiwan, although the five "celebrities" were very relaxed, Cai Zhengyuan, the former civilian representative, said that in the short term these "celebrities" might use this to improve their ratings, but when he met them, he found that "they don't seem very happy".

Cai Zhengyuan said, "It's obvious that they are under pressure. It's OK to go out and make a living in the Jianghu. There's no way!" (Editor/Zhang Ling)

[Editor in charge: Zhang Ling]