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The governor of Okinawa broke the "convention" and did not participate in Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony. He publicly opposed the idea that "if something happens to Taiwan, it's Japan."

2024-05-15 10:00:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Okinawa Prefecture Governor Yucheng Danny. (Picture source: Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network")

Taiwan. com, May 15 - Lai Qingde, the prospective leader of Taiwan, will hold an inauguration ceremony on May 20. According to the comprehensive Taiwan media reports, according to the so-called "practice" of the Taiwan authorities, the first two governors of Okinawa County were invited to attend the inauguration ceremony of leaders in Taiwan. However, this year, Okinawa Governor Tani Yucheng, who was highly opposed to the argument that "something is wrong in Taiwan, but something is wrong in Japan", publicly said that "there is no plan to participate".

Since Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan, put forward the absurd statement that "Taiwan has something to do, Japan has something to do", not only the international community does not agree with it, but also Japan has internal opposition, among which Danny Yucheng is one of the opposition voices. When Yucheng Danny visited China in July 2023, he made it clear that "Okinawa must not be reduced to a battlefield because of the argument that something is happening in Taiwan is happening in Japan".

In response to some Japanese people's insidious propaganda that "Taiwan is in trouble, Japan is in trouble", our Ministry of Foreign Affairs once responded that "the calculation was wrong", and the DPP authorities stirred up such arguments, once again exposing its underlying logic of "selling Taiwan to the Japanese and" coercing foreign countries to seek independence ". (Editor/Zhang Ling)

[Editor in charge: Zhang Ling]