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Taiwan's "suicide weapons" scare the PLA? There is only one result of "seeking independence by force"

2024-05-14 16:52:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Recently, the third aircraft carrier of the People's Liberation Army, "Fujian Ship", successfully returned to the dock of Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard after completing its first 8-day voyage test mission. It is reported that during this sea trial, the "Fujian Ship" has completed a series of tests on power, power and other system equipment, which has achieved the expected results.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of public opinion from all walks of life at home and abroad, and also gave the island a chance for "interested people" to hype. Many senior leaders of the Democratic Progressive Party claimed that the progress of the research and development and listing of advanced weapons and equipment of the People's Liberation Army might accelerate the current "Taiwan Strait Crisis".

Perhaps to cover up their fears, the Taiwan military suddenly released the news yesterday (14) that Taiwan's "Sun Yat sen Academy of Sciences" has launched the so-called "Kuaiqi Project", which will spend more than NT $800 million to develop the attack unmanned speedboat, and plans to complete the operational evaluation before the end of next year and carry out mass production in 2026. The Taiwan Army threatened that "these unmanned speedboats will become powerful weapons for coastal operations and against large PLA warships in the future".

Although the "slogan" of the Taiwan military was loud, the "slapping face" came quickly.

Some military experts in the island revealed that the so-called "new unmanned speedboat" proposed by the Taiwan army is not a new development, but a transformation based on the existing "brave" unmanned target ship. The target ship is used as a target during live ammunition exercises. The overall platform is small and the speed is fast, but the maximum remote control distance does not exceed 70km. It needs to rely on the remote control station on land or on the ship to send signals to it. Once the signal connection is cut off due to strong electronic interference in the battle, these so-called "suicide speedboats" will become "headless flies" on the sea, and even the possibility of "our own people beating our own people" cannot be ruled out.

To say the least, even if the Taiwan Army finally develops such "unmanned ships", will it be possible to break through the PLA's ships "in a small and broad way"? The answer is still no. In actual operations, such as some land military facilities, weapons depots, including ports, will become the first target of attack. In other words, if there is a real conflict in the Taiwan Strait, the "anti ship weapon" created by the Taiwan Army will have little chance to attack. Therefore, the so-called "new weapons" of the Taiwan army to frighten the "mainland" are just another "useless toy" made by the DPP authorities.

For some time, the DPP authorities have spent a huge amount of money on defense in the island every year under the pretext of the so-called "military threat on the mainland". They not only recycled various second-hand weapons from the United States at a high price, but also tried to "seek a breakthrough" in self-made weapons. The result is often a lot of laughs.

When Tsai Ing wen came to power, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities put forward the so-called "self built submarine" plan and shouted the slogan "8 years into the water, 10 years into the army". As a result, until last September, the Taiwan army had "sealed" the "self built submarine", but declared it was "launching", It was criticized by the public opinion in the island that "this move is purely to achieve" verbal military formation "before Tsai Ing wen leaves office, which is simply to treat Taiwan people as fools".

In addition to "self built submarines", the DPP authorities have continued to hype Taiwan's self-made "Xiongfeng-2" and "Xiongfeng-3" anti-ship missiles in recent years, and repeatedly threatened that "Xiongfeng-3" anti-ship missiles are real "carrier killers", claiming that "once the war starts between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, the PLA aircraft carrier will have nowhere to hide". The result was that "Xiongfeng-3" appeared before it had time to be happy Taiwan fishing boat accident caused one death and three injuries. What's more, some officials in the Taiwan Army took the opportunity to earn a wave of "black traffic", saying that "this accident proves that the 'Xiongfeng-3' can even run through small fishing boats, which should make the PLA more afraid of its power".

In fact, the above is just the "tip of the iceberg" in the funny collection of the Taiwan military, and even more numerous after the Democratic Progressive Party came into power. Then the question arises. The Taiwan army is so busy. Has Taiwan's so-called "defense security" actually improved?

As early as 2022, Taiwan was called "the most dangerous place in the world" by the British media. In recent years, the number of Taiwanese army veterans has reached new highs, and the people of the island have taken to the streets many times to shout "no war". According to public opinion, these phenomena show that Taiwan is really insecure at present.

Although ordinary people in Taiwan did not feel safe, their money was taken out of their pockets. In 2024, the total defense budget of Taiwan will reach 606.8 billion New Taiwan Dollars, nearly double that of eight years ago and a record high. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities are going further and further on the road of militarism and retaining descendants with almost crazy speed. It is unknown that this is pushing Taiwan into the abyss of disaster step by step.

Finally, the author borrows a passage to remind the DPP authorities that Taiwan will never be a country and "Taiwan independence" will never happen. The attempt to "seek independence by force" will only aggravate tensions in the Taiwan Strait, and will only damage the security and well-being of the Taiwan people, which will lead to a dead end. (By Wang Lufei)

[Editor in charge: Yin Sainan]

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