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Did the US and Taiwan hold joint military exercises in the Western Pacific in April? The US Defense Department of Silence Radio actively acknowledges

2024-05-14 14:53:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Taiwan. com, May 14, according to the Reuters quoted by Taiwan media, four insiders said that the Taiwan Navy held a so-called "joint exercise" with the US Navy in the Western Pacific in April this year, but this exercise was not officially recognized or announced by the US and Taiwan. Another person familiar with the matter said that the US and Taiwan would not admit that there was an official drill, but would describe it as "an unexpected encounter at sea". The Pentagon has no comment on this.

However, Taiwan's defense department responded to confirm the so-called "joint exercise", and said that it was in cooperation with the "rules of accidental encounter at sea" promoted by the United States, to deal with various uncertainties at sea and reduce mutual interference.

According to Taiwan media reports, Tang Hua, commander of the Taiwan Navy, went to the United States in April to participate in the "Sea, Air and Space Seminar". Some Taiwanese media said that the Taiwan Navy now admitted to having "unexpected exercises and training" with the US military, indicating that the so-called "military exchanges" between the US and Taiwan are heating up.

With regard to the military linkage between the United States and Taiwan, our Ministry of Defense has repeatedly stressed that Taiwan is China's Taiwan. The Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests and the first impassable red line in China US relations, which brooks no external interference. Recently, the United States has falsified, hollowed out and distorted the one China principle by means of arms sales and military aid to Taiwan, and released serious wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, which will only aggravate tensions in the Taiwan Strait and seriously undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. To connive at and support "Taiwan independence" is bound to lead to fire and bear the bitter fruit.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also said that the strengthening of military ties between the United States and Taiwan will not bring security to Taiwan, nor will it save the doomed fate of "Taiwan independence". It will only raise the risk of tension and confrontation in the Taiwan Straits, and will eventually throw stones at its own feet.

The Taiwan Affairs Office also stressed that the Taiwan issue is purely an internal affair of China and brooks no external interference. Regardless of public opinion, the DPP authorities are willing to be the pawn of external forces to "control China with Taiwan", bringing Taiwan to a dangerous situation. Advise the DPP authorities that their attempts to "seek independence by force" and "seek independence by relying on others" are doomed to failure. (Editor/Zhang Ling)

[Editor in charge: Zhang Ling]