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Why did Tsai Ing wen persist in "pardoning" Chen Shuibian before leaving office? Public opinion analysis: leave a way for oneself

2024-05-13 15:58:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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In recent days, the news about the DPP authorities' "amnesty" of Chen Shuibian, the former leader of Taiwan, has been overwhelming. It was originally thought that it was another "farce" (ps: I've heard a lot these years~), but this time it seems that even the "amnesty process" has been drawn up, which shows that Tsai Ing wen is determined to "fish out" the former "old boss" from prison before leaving office

As the first former leader sentenced to prison in Taiwan's history, Chen Shuibian has always been talking about. As early as 2008, Chen Shuibian, who had just left office, was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment for the Longtan land purchase case. As a result, just six years after his imprisonment, he was granted "medical parole" in 2015 due to so-called "health problems" such as dementia and Parkinson's disease.

At that time, Taichung Prison, which was his "bail", put forward the famous "four no" principle to him, that is, "no stage, no speech, no talk about politics, no interview", and imposed so-called "restrictions" on him with regulations such as "management rules for medical treatment of prisoners on bail". However, it is clear that the above has become "empty talk" for Chen Shuibian, who has never sincerely repented.

In the eight years since he left prison, Chen Shuibian's violation of the so-called "four no" principle is not uncommon. In addition to supporting election and making speeches everywhere, Chen Shuibian also privately opened an account on the We Media platform and talked about politics through live broadcast. Last May, Chen Zhizhong, the only son of Chen Shuibian, was sentenced to prison for allegedly helping his mother Wu Shuzhen launder money. As a result, Chen Shuibian went to Cai Yingwen's office in a high profile to "avenge" his precious son.

Some media noticed that Chen Shuibian was energetic and steady despite holding a crutch at that time. The so-called "health problem" seemed to "vanish". In the words of the Taiwanese people, "Chen Shuibian is too lazy to even pretend". It can be seen that the so-called "judicial justice" of the Democratic Progressive Party is a complete lie.

In fact, in the eight years since Tsai Ing wen took office, the news about "amnesty" Chen Shui bian has been commonplace within the DPP. Although most of the green camp people expressed "support", Tsai Ing wen still wanted to do it but did not dare to do it.

First of all, Chen Shuibian was suspected of many major corruption cases. After his large-scale overseas stolen money was exposed, it once shocked Taiwan society. Chen Xingyu, Chen Shuibian's daughter, said at the beginning that "who has not taken my father's money from the Democratic Progressive Party", which pushed the entire green camp to the forefront of the storm and made it "democratic and progressive" For a long time, the self styled political party became what people call a "black hearted and corrupt party".

Secondly, after Chen Shuibian's "parole for medical treatment", he not only repeatedly trampled on the "judicial red line", but even left his "body of guilt" behind, turning into a "Internet celebrity". If Chen Shuibian is "pardoned" at this time, not only will Taiwan's "credibility" collapse directly, but also will trigger a strong social backlash, which is obviously what Cai Yingwen does not want to see.

So why did Tsai Ing wen, who was about to step down and leave, choose to "take risks" at this time?

Some analysts in the island believe that the "pardon" of Chen Shui bian is the consensus of many "big shots" in the Green Camp. As the "front man" of the Democratic Progressive Party, Tsai Ing wen naturally hopes to leave a "seat" in the party after leaving. Then the best "gift" is the "amnesty" of Chen Shui bian, which has not only won the favor of the "independents", It can also be said that Lai Qingde, who is about to take office, can kill two birds with one stone.

More importantly, during her eight years in power, Tsai Ing wen was exhausted by such negative news as "fake papers" and "fake academic qualifications", and was likely to face prison after leaving office. If Chen Shuibian finally gets "pardon", Tsai Ing wen will also leave a way for herself to escape, which will benefit all but do no harm.

Xu Yuzhen, the People's Representative of the Chinese Kuomintang, said that even if Chen Shuibian was exempted from punishment, he would not be exempted from crime. His conviction for the "corruption crime" was confirmed, and there were "four major cases" pending trial. To "pardon" Chen Shuibian, he should first ask Chen Shuibian to confess his guilt, admit his mistakes, and apologize to the people of Taiwan, rather than just thinking about "getting something from prison" all day long.

As for whether Chen Shuibian should be granted an "amnesty", a public opinion survey conducted by relevant institutions in the island showed that as many as 90% of the people expressed "no support", and the idea of the people was obvious. So do Cai Yingwen and Lai Qingde really want to go against the public opinion? Let's wait and see. (By Wang Lufei)

[Editor in charge: Yin Sainan]

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