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Taoyuan suffered 35 power outages in April. Chen Jianren said that the power outage due to accident was not a power shortage

2024-05-08 15:06:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Chen Jianren has repeatedly stressed that the power failure in Taoyuan has nothing to do with the power shortage. (Picture source: Taiwan's "Zhongguang News Network")

On May 8, www.taiwan.com.cn, comprehensive Taiwan media reported that Taoyuan had frequent power outages recently. According to statistics, there were 35 power outages in April alone, which was satirized by public opinion in the island as "power rationing in turn". The DPP authorities, who have always claimed to "use love to generate electricity" and refused to restart nuclear power, refused to acknowledge the power shortage in the island. Chen Jianren, the head of Taiwan's administrative agency, even stressed in an interview today (8th) that the frequent power outages in Taoyuan had nothing to do with the power shortage.

Chen Jianren said that according to statistics, 63% of the 35 power outages in Taoyuan in April were caused by external forces, 31% were caused by equipment problems, and the remaining 6% were natural disasters. The power failure caused by the accident can be restored after emergency repair, not power shortage.

Chen Jianren also said, for example, that 14000 households were affected by the power failure in Taoyuan yesterday, because the civilian cranes touched the power transmission grid, and today's power failure was also caused by a car breaking the pole. He repeatedly stressed that the 35 power outages in Taoyuan a month were not power shortages.

In addition, netizens in the island showed their design of "no power T-shirt" on social media. The original trademark of Taiwan TV has become "no power", and the name has also become "Taiwan No Power Company". A netizen left a message saying, "Will it be impossible to make clothes when there is no electricity?" "Never place an order to the factory in Taoyuan". (Editor/Zhang Ling)

[Editor in charge: Zhang Ling]