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Expert: The "Taiwan independence" line promoted by Lai Qingde must be a dead end

2024-05-22 17:01:00
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Chen Shiliang, Special Researcher of the Research Center for Cross Strait Relations and Secretary General of the Taiwan Research Institute of East China Normal University. (Data map)
On May 22, www.taiwan.com.cn, Lai Qingde's "May 20" speech caused an uproar in the island. Previously, the public opinion and the general public in the island hoped that he could show goodwill on cross-strait relations in his speech, so that the complex and severe situation in the Taiwan Strait could be cooled. However, Lai Qingde's speech not only disappointed the people in the island, but also fully exposed his nature as a "Taiwan independence worker" again. Chen Shiliang, a special researcher of the Research Center for Cross Strait Relations and Secretary General of the Institute of Taiwan Studies of East China Normal University, wrote an article about this, pointing out that Lai Qingde used his stubborn ideology of "Taiwan independence" to speed up on the road of "Taiwan independence". This is to tie 23 million Taiwanese people to the "Taiwan independence" chariot, leading to disaster, and Taiwan will inevitably fall into an unprecedented dangerous situation. No one should underestimate the strong determination, strong will and strong ability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity and achieve the goal of complete reunification of the motherland, which is a historical trend that no force can stop.
The full text is excerpted as follows:
   Lai Qingde stubbornly adhered to the "Taiwan independence" position, continued Tsai Ing wen's line, refused to recognize the "1992 Consensus" embodying the one China principle, and continued to claim that "the two sides of the Taiwan Straits do not belong to each other". As we all know, the fact that both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China has not changed at all. Even Taiwan's current constitutional provisions make it clear that both the mainland and Taiwan are part of China. After Li Denghui and Chen Shuibian successively put forward the "special two country theory" and "one country theory on one side", Lai Qingde put forward the "new two country theory" that falsely claimed that "the two sides of the Taiwan Straits do not belong to each other", resulting in complex and serious cross-strait relations and entering a dangerous situation of fierce war. In his "May 20" speech, Lai Qingde, like Cai Yingwen, refused to recognize the "1992 Consensus", and "Cai Gui followed", claiming that "the two sides of the Taiwan Straits do not belong to each other". This kind of split speech denying that the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China and that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China fully exposes the nature of Lai Qingde as a "Taiwan independence worker".
The Taiwan issue is not only a legacy of history, but also an unfinished historical task in the Chinese People's War of Liberation. For more than 70 years, the Taiwan authorities have maintained the so-called political system under the banner of the so-called "Republic of China", which has led to a special state of political confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits for a long time. However, there is no doubt that the Taiwan issue is a legacy of China's civil war and China's internal affairs. Although the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have not yet been reunified, China's sovereignty and territorial integrity have never been divided and will never be allowed to be divided. Taiwan's status as a part of China's territory has never changed and will never be allowed to change. The motherland must and must be unified. Therefore, the "Taiwan independence" line promoted by Lai Qingde must be a dead end.
   Lai Qingde shamelessly claimed that he would "pursue peace and common prosperity on both sides of the Taiwan Straits", tried to link external anti China forces and "seek independence by relying on others". The Taiwan issue concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and China's core interests. No external force can interfere in any way. To solve the Taiwan question and realize the complete reunification of the motherland is not only the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, but also the common aspiration of all Chinese people (including those on both sides of the Straits). However, in recent years, the DPP authorities have vigorously promoted the "gradual Taiwan independence" line of "de Chinesization" in the island, incited the confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and internationally tried to link with external anti China forces, purchased weapons and equipment on a large scale, forming the so-called "asymmetric force", and wanted to build Taiwan into a "porcupine" and a "hedgehog island", "rejecting reunification with force", As a result, cross-strait relations are in a dangerous situation. At the same time, the Taiwan authorities are linked with international anti China forces in an attempt to "seek independence by relying on foreign countries" and "seek independence by force". To this end, the PLA opposes the "Taiwan independence" forces and external interference forces in the island through military aircraft cruises, military exercises and other means, which is a necessary means and measures to shoulder the sacred mission of safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
However, in his "May 20" speech, Lai Qingde followed the adventurous act of "Taiwan independence" of Tsai Ing wen's authorities, who constantly changed the status quo on both sides of the Taiwan Straits during their eight years in office, and further stepped up the pace of "rejecting unification by force" and "seeking independence by force". He unjustifiably accused the People's Liberation Army of routinely patrolling around the island, which is the so-called "military threat" of the mainland, and even appointed "Taiwan independence" in its administrative team The die hard Wu Zhaoxie and others, as the main heads of the island's security and defense departments, continue to use the confrontation thinking of "anti China, anti China, and anti China" to handle cross-strait relations and continue to push cross-strait relations to the forefront of the storm. It can be seen that Lai Qingde's statement on cross-strait relations in his "May 20" speech not only has no intention of improving the relationship between the two sides and "pursuing peace and common prosperity across the Taiwan Straits", but also has a firm heart to "follow Cai Gui", continue to undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits, and dream of seeking "independence" and provocation under the support of external forces to resist cross-strait reunification, Once again fully exposed Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence worker" nature.
For a long time, the mainland has always adhered to the concept of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits" and "Chinese people do not fight against Chinese people". With great goodwill and sincerity, it has always hoped that the Taiwan issue can be properly resolved through peaceful means, so as to realize the complete reunification of the motherland at an early date, and work together for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the same time, the mainland has repeatedly reiterated that "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace in the Taiwan Strait. Lai Qingde's "May 20" speech completely denied the historical fact that both sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to one China, blatantly challenged the bottom line of the one China principle, and used his stubborn ideology of "Taiwan independence" to rage on the road of "Taiwan independence", which is to tie 23 million Taiwanese people to the "Taiwan independence" chariot and lead to disaster, Taiwan will also be in an unprecedented danger. There is only one China in the world. As China (the mainland) has become more and more important in the world, its political, military and economic strength has become stronger and stronger. No one should underestimate the strong determination, will and ability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity and achieve the goal of complete reunification of the motherland. This is a historical trend that no force can stop. (End)
[Editor in charge: Goss]