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Punish the "celebrities" in the island who maliciously attack the mainland, and purify the atmosphere of cross-strait exchanges

2024-05-16 13:44:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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On May 15, Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China, announced that five Taiwan "celebrities" including Huang Shicong, Li Zhenghao, Wang Yichuan, Yu Beichen and Liu Baojie and their families would be punished according to law.
Many people on the mainland may not be familiar with the names of these five people. However, the mention of "Zucai Brother", "Field Mouse Brother", "Tufang Brother", "Backrest Brother" and "Cleaning Brother" is abhorrent.
Several Taiwanese "celebrities" often slander the mainland with "anti intellectual" language. They have several characteristics:
One is ignorance. When these people come to green media programs, they often "thunder". For example, Yu Beichen, "Brother Tufang", said in the program that the hit rate of one Tiangong missile of the Taiwan army is 70%, and the interception rate of three missiles can reach 210%, which is simply surprising. One netizen on the island sarcastically said, "Finally, he has some voice. Will he be afraid of others laughing?"
Second, counter intelligence. For example, Wang Yichuan, known as a "traffic expert", once served as the traffic director of Taichung City, unexpectedly said the "anti intellectual" language of "there is no backrest for the high-speed rail seats in the mainland", which is called "Backrest Brother".
The third is arrogance. Taiwan's "celebrities" all look condescending. For example, Huang Shicong said that the mainland people could not afford to eat mustard tuber, so he was called "Brother mustard tuber". Li Zhenghao said that there was no protein in the mainland and he wanted to eat voles, which is also the origin of his title of "vole brother".
The fourth is the back bone. These "celebrities" tend to pursue profits and go where there are benefits. Liu Baojie is the host of a political commentary program on the island. Once, the program's comments on the mainland were relatively objective. However, after the Democratic Progressive Party authorities came into power, the wind changed dramatically and it became a program dedicated to the black mainland. It has also become the headquarters of a group of "anti land celebrities". Liu Baojie has also become the "cleaning brother". Li Zhenghao once launched the "Grass Association Alliance" in the Chinese Kuomintang. Yu Beichen was the head of a branch of the "Huang Fuxing" party headquarters of the Chinese Kuomintang. He defected to the green camp for personal gain and became a green camp thug.
These people take "opposing the mainland" as a profession for a little personal gain. Their common tactics are splashing dirty water, telling lies and slandering. For example, the Three Gorges Dam on the mainland, which has been tested by many floods, is a magnificent project that has been proved to play an important role in flood control, power generation and navigation; The mainland exports a lot of cars, which is due to the poor economy of the mainland. People can't afford cars, so they have to export at a low price
These comments of Taiwan's "famous mouth" have seriously hurt the feelings of the mainland people, provoked the opposition between the people on both sides of the Straits, and also made many Taiwan people who have never been to the mainland and do not know about the mainland misunderstand the mainland. As one of Taiwan's "online celebrities" said, why do some young people in the island have so many misunderstandings about the mainland? Aren't these people who often talk nonsense the cause?
To punish these five Taiwan "celebrities" is to warn those shameless people in Taiwan who seek personal interests by smearing the mainland and fooling the people of Taiwan. History will write down an account for anyone who sabotages cross Straits relations and obstructs cross Straits exchanges. Sooner or later, history will settle the account for them. (Contributed author of www.taiwan.com: and ten articles do not represent the views of our website)
[Editor in charge: Gao Xu]

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