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There is no bottom line for Lai Qingde to seek "independence" by flattering the sun!

2024-05-13 14:56:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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According to Taiwan media reports, Lai Qingde, the elected leader of Taiwan, recently said that he expected Taiwan and Japan to strengthen cooperation after the "May 20". "If Taiwan has something to do, Japan has something to do; if Japan has something to do, Taiwan has something to do.".
Lai Qingde said a series of tongue twisters, mainly to express his mentality of being a slave to Japan, to find Japan as a backer, to "fight against China" and rely on Japan for "independence". Lin Jian, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, pointed out that some Japanese people had ulterior motives and advocated that "if something happened to Taiwan, it was Japan", which was obviously wrong. The DPP authorities have stirred up such arguments, exposing once again its underlying logic of selling Taiwan to the Japanese and "seeking independence from foreign countries", reminding the world that "Taiwan independence" and interference from external forces are the biggest factors undermining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
Japan has colonized Taiwan for 50 years. It has seized Taiwan's wealth, pushed forward "imperial education", deprived Taiwan's people of their basic rights, massacred and persecuted countless Taiwan's people, and created the "Yunlin Massacre", the Fog Society incident, and so on. During this period, more than 600000 Taiwanese people were slaughtered by the Japanese army, and Japan committed heinous crimes in Taiwan, with numerous blood debts and countless books. In the face of Japanese colonial oppression, Taiwan compatriots never gave in. They fought bravely and tenaciously, and wrote a glorious epic of Taiwan people's tenacious resistance to Japan.
However, at present, some politicians in Taiwan forget this period of history, get "rickets" and flatter Japan. They are full of servants, and have gone against the grain.
Forgetting history means betrayal. The bloody and tearful history of Taiwan's oppression by Japanese colonial rule is vivid, but it is forgotten by a small group of "Taiwan independence" elements such as Lai Qingde who have forgotten their ancestors. Not only do they forget, but they also have to recognize the thief as their father, flatter the Japanese and "lick the Japanese". It is shameless that they colluded with the Japanese and started the so-called "mutual help".
For the mainland, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) shows its "ferocious face", often "knee type" reaction, and always "opposes", "hates" and "resists". The Democratic Progressive Party has engaged in "green terror" in the island, and tried its best to suppress the power of promoting cross-strait exchanges and unifying forces in the island, almost to the extent of hysteria. Unjustifiably slander those who work hard for cross-strait peace, such as Ma Ying jeou's "journey of peace" led by the Youth League landing as the so-called "united front tool"; The "ice breaking trip" landed by the KMT public opinion delegation was branded as "Taiwan selling trip"; Smear Lan Ying's delegation to Taiping Island as a "clown group", "cheer for China", and so on.
The DPP authorities are unable to handle cross-strait relations well, creating a dangerous situation of current cross-strait wars. The insightful people in the island actively promote the peaceful development of the cross-strait and reduce the risk of confrontation between the two sides. The DPP authorities are not sure that it is enough, but they still want to slander and vigorously suppress it, which is unimaginable. The Democratic Progressive Party has seen foreigners become "soft footed shrimps" and "smiling faces", but has become "fighters" to their compatriots. This shows that the Democratic Progressive Party has no worst, only worse.
Lai Qingde's statement that "Japan has something to do with Taiwan" is even more nonsense. What is the relationship between Japan and Taiwan? Japan follows the one China principle and has no so-called "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan. What is Japan's relationship with Taiwan if it has something to do with it? Lai Qingde has nothing to do with Taiwan, but he wants to hook up with Japan, actively seduce Japan, try his best to "bind" with Japan and other external forces, strengthen its external forces for "Taiwan independence", and find trouble in the Taiwan Strait without reason. This is probably a trick played by Lai Qingde to seduce the Japanese and seek "independence". He is just piling up illusory so-called external "support" and pulling the flag as a tiger skin to embolden himself.
The power comparison between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, whether comprehensive strength or military strength, is the difference between the two sides. The initiative and dominance of the development of cross Straits relations are always in the hands of the mainland. The great cause of national reunification is steadily advancing in accordance with the strategic deployment of the mainland and is irreversible.
Lai Qingde's insistence on "Cai Gui to follow" also doomed Lai Qingde to continue on the road of "Taiwan independence", but also doomed to his fate of courting the United States and Japan and relying on the United States and Japan against the mainland's "arrogance". External forces such as the United States and Japan have "controlled China with Taiwan" and connived at "Taiwan independence", resulting in a downward spiral in cross-strait relations and a more serious confrontation between the two sides. If the DPP cannot walk out of the dead end of "Taiwan independence", it will eventually be doomed. (The article/comment is not representative of the view of our website)
[Editor in charge: Gao Xu]

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