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The DPP authorities have been rejected by WHO for eight consecutive years, and there is no way out of the rotten drama of "seeking independence by defending"!

2024-05-14 14:23:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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The picture shows the scene of the 76th World Health Assembly. (Picture taken from Taiwan media)

On May 13, the registration date of the 77th World Health Assembly expired. Taiwan did not receive the invitation letter and was unable to participate again. The DPP authorities stubbornly adhere to the separatist position of "Taiwan independence" and refuse to recognize the "1992 consensus". No matter what ugly tricks they play, they are doomed to be excluded from the World Health Assembly.
From 2009 to 2016, on the basis of the 1992 Consensus that both sides adhere to the one China principle, through cross-strait consultations, Taiwan participated in the World Health Assembly in the name of "Chinese Taipei" and as an observer. This is a special arrangement made through cross Straits consultations on the basis of the 1992 Consensus, which embodies the one China principle.
After the DPP authorities came to power in 2016, they refused to recognize the "1992 consensus" embodying the one China principle, leading to the loss of the political basis for Taiwan's participation in the World Health Assembly. Since 2017, Taiwan has been rejected by WHO for 8 consecutive years.
This result is not surprising, and it is entirely caused by the DPP authorities.
It can be said that the reasons for Taiwan's inability to participate in the World Health Assembly are clear and unambiguous. There is only one China in the world. The Government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing the whole of China. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. If Taiwan wants to participate in international organizations, the one China principle is an unshakable prerequisite.
Over the past eight years, the DPP authorities have tried to make a sense of existence in the international arena by pretending to be clear and muddle headed. They have created momentum through the so-called "friendly Taiwan" regions and the "overseas" officials who submitted letters to the foreign media. Knowing that they have not been invited, they still organize groups to go there every year to make political articles through the noisy meetings and meetings... Their so-called concern for the health of Taiwan's people is nothing more than seeking "independence" The real purpose of this is to highlight the so-called "sovereign status". The real intention is to "defend for independence" and challenge the basic pattern of the international community adhering to the one China principle.
For some time, the US politicians led by Kangda, Lan Moke and other US State Department officials have cooperated with the DPP authorities to deliberately distort and challenge the UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and hype the so-called "Taiwan's status is uncertain". The US Secretary of State Blinken also said that he strongly encouraged WHO to resume inviting Taiwan to participate in the World Health Assembly as an observer. The DPP authorities were grateful for this.
In fact, the two sides play this drama just to get what they need. The real purpose of the United States playing the "Taiwan card" by taking advantage of Taiwan's participation in the World Health Assembly and other issues is to try to "control China with Taiwan", and the DPP authorities once again act as a "pawn".
The result that Taiwan has not been invited to participate in the World Health Conference for eight consecutive years shows that the DPP authorities' behavior of rubbing against each other and "touching porcelain" is totally self inflicted humiliation. The one China principle is the popular aspiration of the international community and the trend of the times, which cannot be challenged. "Seeking independence by defending", playing the "Taiwan card", and engaging in "making China by Taiwan" are doomed to end in failure.
This year's World Health Assembly will be held on May 27, just one week after Lai Qingde, the new leader of Taiwan, took office. Taiwan's failure to be invited to the World Health Assembly again sounded a wake-up call for Lai Qingde, and did not recognize the "1992 Consensus" embodying the one China principle. Even if the DPP authorities farce for another four years, it would be in vain. (Wen/Wang Dongnan)
[Editor in charge: Li Ning]