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Spend a lot of money to operate the mainland social platform, and the DPP talks about "double standards" but spends money "honestly"

2024-05-07 16:25:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Recently, a bid by Taiwan's tourism department has attracted public attention in the island. On the one hand, it is because the bid amount of "2024 Taiwan Tourism Community Media Commissioned Operation" is not small, up to NT $1.45 million; On the other hand, the content of the bid is the accounts of mainland community platforms such as microblog, WeChat and Xiaohongshu entrusted by the tourism department.
You should know that the DPP authorities have always claimed that "the mainland community platform is dangerous", and asked public officials not to use microblogs, WeChat and small red books on the grounds of violating the so-called "security"; Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Commission has also called directly not to use these APPs; Chen Jianren, the head of Taiwan's administrative agency, also slandered the mainland community software such as Douyin as a platform for so-called "cognitive warfare"; Some Lvying Mindai even claimed that "Douyin is a big driver of the destruction of Taiwan".
However, the tourism department of Taiwan is now "very honest", and has entrusted the operation of these mainland community accounts described as "scourges" by the DPP authorities through public bidding. This undoubtedly exposed the "double standard" behavior of the DPP again, causing strong criticism and ridicule from the public opinion in the island.
According to the data, the "Personal Travel to Taiwan" microblog account and the "Most Impression of Taiwan" WeChat account of the Taiwan Tourism Department were created in 2011 and 2014 respectively, and continue to update content and release information. So, why does the DPP authority operate the accounts of these platforms on its own, while at the same time prohibiting the people in the island from using them? The reason is that these platforms have become an important bridge for people on both sides of the Straits to communicate, allowing more and more people to see the real mainland through the screen, thus breaking the myth of lies woven by the Democratic Progressive Party.
In response, the Taiwan Tourism Department said that the purpose of this bid is to maintain the familiarity of mainland tourists with Taiwan's tourism resources, and to promote the healthy and orderly development of cross-strait tourism in 2024, it is planned to add a "Little Red Book" tourism community platform. However, this argument simply does not hold water. The so-called "promoting cross-strait tourism" is just empty talk.
On the other hand, the mainland has always adhered to the concept of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits", has always insisted on promoting the normalization of personnel exchanges on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and the normalization of exchanges in various fields, and has actively appealed to Taiwan to fully consider the demands of people and shipping enterprises on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and to fully resume direct passenger transport by sea and air as soon as possible However, the DPP authorities turned a deaf ear and chose to ignore this surging public opinion trend.
   Cut off the water and the water flows more. It is the trend of the times and the will of the people to deepen cross Straits exchanges and forge closer ties between compatriots on both sides of the Straits. No matter how the Democratic Progressive Party obstructs or sets obstacles, it cannot stop this historical trend. (Wen/Guoda Road)
[Editor in charge: Zhang Yajing]