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Lai Qingde's "uniqueness" is unprecedented? Can't stop the historical trend of the eventual reunification of the motherland!

2024-05-22 10:05:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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"Lai Qingde's inaugural speech did not show goodwill", "Lai Qingde's inaugural speech was disappointing", "missed the opportunity to ease the hostility between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait", "pragmatic 'Taiwan independence' officially appeared", "anti China escalation intensified the crisis in the Taiwan Strait"
It can be seen from the above comment titles of Taiwan media The social rebound in Taiwan caused by Lai Qingde's "May 20" speech is far more extensive, deeper and more intense than Li Denghui, Chen Shuibian, Cai Yingwen, etc , also On his first day in office, he was jointly identified by the mainland and Taiwan society as a traitor to the mainstream public opinion in the island, a destroyer of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the region, an unprecedented "Taiwan independence worker" and "trouble maker" of "independence"
Previously, in order to calm the strong doubts of the island society about his "independence", Lai Qingde took the banner of "Cai Gui follows" in the cross-strait, foreign affairs, defense and other fields, but on the day of "May 20", Lai Qingde showed his true colors and "stopped playing". Compared with Cai Yingwen's two inaugural speeches, Lai Qingde did not stay within Cai's framework, but Because of a series of "speeches full of separatist evil thoughts, ambitions, provocations and calculations", he completed the "overtaking" of other "Taiwan independence" politicians, and went further and further on the evil road of disobeying public opinion and provoking confrontation
In Lai Qingde's speech, "the mainland" disappeared, and even the words "mainland China" and "the other side" as Cai Yingwen called them did not appear. When talking about cross-strait relations, Lai Qingde tried to mark the mainland as a "foreign country" in this way to strengthen the so-called "national identity". In addition, the "1992 Consensus", the "nail to calm the sea" of cross-strait relations, did not appear in Lai's speech, and Lai Qingde ignored even the "Regulations on Cross Strait People's Relations" mentioned earlier by Cai.
Lai Qingde mistakenly quoted the constitutional provisions of Taiwan and deliberately claimed that "Taiwan, the Republic of China, is a sovereign and independent country", "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not subordinate to each other", and Taiwan is "the name of our country". Lai Qingde sold the "two countries theory" and engaged in "Taiwan independence" since he took office. His attitude was extremely rampant, advocating more radical, and seriously deviated from the mainstream public opinion of Taiwan When Lai Qingde preached that the two sides of the Taiwan Straits were "not subordinate to each other", the Taiwan stocks that had risen on the same day immediately plunged, especially the tourism stocks and aviation stocks, which "went up sharply and down". Lai Qingde's speech was an out and out "confession of Taiwan independence", which could only stir up the excitement of "peers", but it triggered widespread disappointment and anxiety in Taiwan society, and even angered the people who had originally hoped to ease cross-strait relations.
What is the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan? It means peace rather than war, development rather than recession, exchange rather than separation, cooperation rather than confrontation. In fact, before the Democratic Progressive Party came into power, cross-strait relations had achieved great exchanges, cooperation and development on the common political basis of the 1992 Consensus, which embodied the one China principle, and maintained a state of peace, stability and prosperity for a long time. The current complex and serious situation in the Taiwan Straits, in the final analysis, lies in the DPP's stubborn adherence to the separatist position of "Taiwan independence", its refusal to recognize the "1992 consensus", and its constant provocation of seeking "independence" in conjunction with external forces.
Lai Qingde tried to change the status quo of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits with unprecedented provocative "Taiwan independence" speech, hid the "Taiwan independence" ambition with "Taiwan residents' self-determination", and tried to justify "Taiwan independence" and achieve "peaceful division". However, in the context of the mainland firmly holding the leading and initiative of cross-strait relations, No matter what he said or how he said it, it would not change the status and fact that Taiwan is a part of China, the basic pattern and development direction of cross Straits relations, the common desire of compatriots on both sides of the Straits to become closer and closer, or the historical trend of eventual reunification of the motherland The complete reunification of the motherland must be achieved and can be achieved. (Text/related lines)
[Editor in charge: Gao Xu]

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