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For the benefit of Taiwan compatriots, especially the grass-roots people, where the original intention lies, the journey of the road!

2024-04-28 14:35:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Continental new energy vehicle production line. (Picture taken from the network)
On the 27th, a delegation led by Fu Jingji, a public opinion representative of the Chinese Kuomintang, came to Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone to experience the development achievements of the mainland's automobile industry, especially in the field of new energy vehicles. During the visit, the members of the delegation looked, asked and praised. They were not only interested in new materials and new technologies of new energy vehicles on the mainland, but also full of expectations for the future cooperation between the two sides in the field of electric vehicles.
"Trolley is the future development trend. Both sides of the Taiwan Straits work together to make our city more beautiful and the air more fresh." Fu Jianzhi frequently gives a thumbs up to the intimate design of mainland cars. Wang Hongwei, the KMT public opinion representative who took the driverless car personally for the first time, said that automatic driving is the future trend. Today's visit has yielded a lot, which will bring experience back to Taiwan and help urban development.
In addition to feeling the pulse of scientific innovation in the mainland, understanding and experiencing the new quality productivity of the mainland, this exchange and interaction also gave Taiwan's grassroots people a real sense of gain in cross-strait tourism exchanges and agricultural trade. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, which has always supported exchanges and cooperation in various fields across the Taiwan Straits, including tourism, said that it would take the lead in restoring Fujian residents' tourism to Mazu, and resume Fujian residents' team tourism to Taiwan after the resumption of direct sea passenger flights from Pingtan to Taiwan. The cross-strait shipping exchange association has urged Taiwan to resume direct cross-strait maritime passenger transport through existing channels. After listening to the opinions of the visiting delegation, the General Administration of Customs said that it was willing to strengthen communication with the Chinese Kuomintang and Taiwan related parties on the resumption of the import of Taiwan's agricultural and fishery products such as Wendan pomelo into the mainland on the basis of adhering to the "1992 consensus" and opposing "Taiwan independence".
The mainland will take the lead in restoring Fujian residents to travel to Mazu. (Picture taken from Taiwan media)
At the same time, on the 28th, a series of press conferences (the third session) on Fujian's implementation of the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting Fujian to Explore a New Road for Cross Strait Integration and Development and Build a Cross Strait Integration and Development Demonstration Zone" introduced the recent implementation in Fujian Province, and the second batch of press conferences were issued, including the establishment of "Taiwan compatriots zone" in Fujian's political links 13 policies and measures, including the "Fuma Tongcheng Pass" card, were introduced to Mazu compatriots, and Taiwan compatriots continued to share development opportunities and achievements with Taiwan compatriots in the interest of their well-being, so that Taiwan compatriots could have more interests, more tangible well-being, and a better future in building a demonstration zone for integrated development across the Taiwan Straits.
Cross Strait relations are rooted in the people, driven by the people, and the future lies in the youth. We welcome a delegation led by Mr. Fu Jieji and people from all walks of life in Taiwan to visit and exchange with the mainland.
When the ruling authorities on the island refuse to comply with the mainstream public opinion of "peace, development, exchange and cooperation", all parties, sectors, strata and people in all fields in Taiwan's society will use their own ways to overcome the obstacles and fetters artificially set by the authorities, continue to work together with relevant parties on the mainland, and work together with compatriots on the mainland, We will continue to promote the integration and development of the two sides of the Straits and create bright prospects for cross Straits exchanges and cooperation.
Hong Xiuzhu attended the launching ceremony of 2024 Buddha Platform series cultural exchange activities. (www.taiwan.com)
The mainland of China is constantly deepening reform and opening up, implementing a series of major development strategies, striving to expand the domestic demand market, promoting high-quality development of new quality productivity, including new energy vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, artificial intelligence, etc., and creating more business fields, more in-depth participation opportunities, and more favorable business conditions for the majority of Taiwanese enterprises.
For a long time, the mainland has been deeply implementing the people centered development idea in its work with Taiwan, treating Taiwan compatriots equally, and benefiting Taiwan compatriots like serving the people on the mainland. To benefit Taiwan compatriots, especially the grassroots people, is not only the original intention, but also a great journey! (By Gao Xu)
[Editor in charge: Gao Xu]

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