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Shanghai Introduces 15 Measures to Promote the Development of Taiwan funded Enterprises

2021-01-20 15:38:00
Source: Xinhuanet
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——Multi channel and multi entity solutions to the financing difficulties of Taiwan enterprises. It was mentioned in the measures that China Development Bank Shanghai Branch and Bank of Shanghai should continue to provide special credit to Taiwan enterprises. Support other financial institutions to provide financing services for Taiwan enterprises. Support financial institutions to support the development of Taiwan enterprises through intellectual property pledge, equity pledge, supply chain financing, export credit insurance financing and other channels. In addition, Taiwan enterprises can also obtain financing services through various types of Taiwan funded financial institutions in the mainland.

Support eligible enterprises to go public for the first time or refinance on all mainland boards. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to return to Taiwan for listing and financing.

Taiwan funded enterprises are encouraged to issue corporate bonds, corporate bonds, medium-term notes, short-term financing bonds and other financing funds, and Taiwan funded small and medium-sized enterprises are supported to participate in pilot projects such as issuing collective bonds and collective notes.

——Clarify the orientation of emerging industries and modern service industries. The measures clearly list four major industries: LED lighting, wireless cities, cold chain logistics and electric vehicles, which are the key points for Taiwan funded enterprises to develop cross-strait industrial cooperation projects in Shanghai.

In addition, support Taiwanese enterprises to use new technologies, new processes, new equipment, new materials and other methods to carry out technological transformation and realize industrial upgrading. Support eligible Taiwan funded enterprises to apply for national and Shanghai scientific research projects in cooperation with domestic funded enterprises and research institutions.

In the field of modern service industry, encourage and support Taiwan funded securities, funds (investment trusts) and insurance companies to actively carry out joint venture cooperation and establish joint ventures in Shanghai. Support Taiwan funded consulting service enterprises to develop in Shanghai.

——Taiwan enterprises have clearer channels for obtaining subsidies and subsidies. The subsidy channels mentioned in Article 15 generally include patent, brand and vocational training. Taiwan funded enterprises applying for patents registered in Shanghai shall be subsidized in accordance with the provisions of the Shanghai Patent Subsidy Measures.

Taiwan funded enterprises are encouraged to create famous trademarks and famous brand products in Shanghai, and eligible Taiwan funded enterprises are subsidized and rewarded according to the Interim Measures of Shanghai Municipality on the Management of Special Funds for Accelerating the Construction of Self owned Brands.

Taiwan funded enterprises are encouraged to carry out vocational training. Eligible enterprises can apply for relevant financial subsidies and support employees of Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in vocational skills training subsidized by the government.

——The functions of Taiwan Association and Taiwan enterprises are more diversified. Article 15 also specifically clarifies the multiple functions of the Shanghai Association of Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprises, including strengthening exchanges with relevant service agencies, industry associations, industrial groups, etc. across the Taiwan Straits, and carrying out cooperation in policy guidance, information sharing, consultation and evaluation, education and training, and developing domestic sales channels. The Shanghai Association for Taiwan Affairs will also play an active role in the promotion of intellectual property protection and in ensuring the talent demand of Taiwan enterprises.

In response to the question of "the definition of Taiwan funded enterprises", which is widely concerned by Taiwanese businessmen, Qu Guoliang, Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanghai, said in response to the media, that some early Taiwanese entrepreneurs who entered Shanghai to invest and set up enterprises after registration in a third place are also regarded as Taiwan funded enterprises and enjoy various financial services, subsidies and subsidies.

It is reported that the full text of "Several Measures of Shanghai to Further Promote the Development of Taiwan funded Enterprises" will be released on "Shanghai and Taiwan. com".

[Editor in charge: Chen Wentao]

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