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Shanghai Releases 55 Measures to Benefit Taiwan

2021-01-20 10:14:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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In order to thoroughly implement the major strategic deployment of "gradually providing Taiwan compatriots with the same treatment as mainland compatriots for study, entrepreneurship, employment and life in the mainland" established at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strive to promote the process of peaceful reunification of the motherland, and comprehensively implement the Several Measures on Promoting Cross Strait Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation issued by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the National Development and Reform Commission (referred to as "Several Measures"). In accordance with the requirements of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China that Shanghai should "build good policy model rooms and demonstration fields, and give play to the demonstration and leading effect in the country", the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Government have studied and decided that the Implementation Measures on Promoting Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation between Shanghai and Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as "Implementation Measures") will be officially implemented on June 1, 2018.

Shanghai is one of the key areas for economic, trade and cultural exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and also an important gathering place for Taiwan compatriots to invest and live. So far, Shanghai has approved 12488 Taiwan invested enterprises, accounting for 13.57% of the total number of foreign-funded projects; Attract contract investment of 39.5 billion US dollars. Shanghai has always been at the forefront in helping Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises develop. The first local regulation in the mainland that reflects the benefits of Taiwan compatriots' investment rights and interests was officially implemented on November 1, 2015.

There are 55 measures for the implementation of the Measures, of which 28 are related to efforts to give Taiwan funded enterprises the same treatment as local enterprises in the field of investment and economic cooperation in Shanghai, and 27 are related to gradually providing Taiwan compatriots with the same treatment as mainland compatriots for their study, entrepreneurship, employment and life in Shanghai. Of the 55 articles in the Implementation Measures, 31 are completely corresponding to the Measures, and the remaining 24 reflect Shanghai's characteristics and innovation. Fifteen of these are measures to open Shanghai's public policy to Taiwan compatriots; The other nine are measures that conform to the spirit of the Central Committee and reflect Shanghai's independent innovation and breakthrough.

To sum up, it has the following characteristics:

   First, we will provide equal treatment to Taiwan compatriots and enterprises. On the premise of complying with national and local laws and regulations, Shanghai strives to release more policy dividends, so that the majority of Taiwan based enterprises in Shanghai and Taiwan can enjoy equal treatment in more areas. In the Implementation Measures, there are 15 measures for Shanghai to open its public policy to Taiwan compatriots. Including: support Taiwan enterprises to set up headquarters, financial institutions, operation centers, procurement centers, and logistics centers in Shanghai; Support Taiwan enterprises to participate in the exhibition, sales and procurement of China International Import Expo; Support the policy financing guarantee fund for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises in Shanghai to cooperate with financial institutions in the city to expand financing guarantee services for Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan compatriots; Support Taiwan professional and technical personnel to work in Shanghai, and enjoy the same treatment as residents of this city.

   The second is to solve the problems concerned by Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises. According to the important deployment of the municipal party committee's research, on the basis of comprehensively understanding the "most desired" and "most worried" problems of Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan compatriots in Shanghai and Taiwan, we studied and introduced more targeted and effective measures to benefit Taiwan. Including: optimizing the approval procedures for industrial and commercial registration of Taiwan enterprises; Support professional and technical personnel from Taiwan to work in Shanghai for professional title assessment; Support Taiwanese youth to come to Shanghai for innovation, entrepreneurship and employment, provide internships and employment posts, and provide rent subsidies for initial entrepreneurial sites and discount interest on entrepreneurial guaranteed loans according to regulations; We support three pilot projects, including the establishment of representative offices by Taiwan law firms in this city, the association of Taiwan law firms with mainland law firms in this city, and the employment of Taiwan practicing lawyers as legal advisers by mainland law firms in this city.

   Third, promote Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in and accelerate the construction of the "five centers" of Shanghai's international economy, finance, trade, shipping and scientific and technological innovation and the four major brands of "Shanghai service, Shanghai manufacturing, Shanghai shopping and Shanghai culture". In accordance with the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping to be a pioneer in reform and opening up and a pioneer in innovation and development, Shanghai has carried out a series of pioneering attempts in the construction of the "five centers". In the Implementation Measures, there are many measures, especially the measures for the opening of Shanghai's public policy to Taiwan compatriots, which involve giving equal treatment to Taiwan funded enterprises in terms of financial support, scientific and technological innovation support, R&D investment, intellectual property protection, etc., and explicitly promoting Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in the construction of Shanghai's "Five Centers" for the first time. These show that Shanghai welcomes Taiwan compatriots and enterprises to work together to build Shanghai into an outstanding global city and a modern socialist metropolis, and share the positive attitude of Shanghai's economic and social development achievements. With the formal implementation of the Implementation Measures, more and better Taiwan funded enterprises will surely join the fast track of Shanghai's development, grow together with Shanghai, and contribute to the construction of Shanghai's "five centers".

   Fourth, innovate service means. The Implementation Measures fully reflect the new service measures taken by Shanghai to enable Taiwanese enterprises to better live, work and develop in Shanghai, especially the new measures that reflect Shanghai's independent innovation to serve Taiwanese enterprises. Starting from innovation and entrepreneurship support, public rental housing, Taiwan related mediation, Taiwan related arbitration, legal services, emergency relief and other aspects that were urgently needed by Taiwanese people in the past, we took the lead in carrying out pilot exploration and tried to provide more convenient measures for Taiwanese people on the premise of meeting the spirit of the Central Committee and the characteristics of Shanghai.

  Fifth, we should pay close attention to the implementation of responsibilities. In order to ensure the effective implementation of the Implementation Measures, each of the specific measures in the Implementation Measures has identified the relevant responsible subjects to ensure that the policies that benefit Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan compatriots are truly implemented.

The introduction of these measures will bring huge opportunities and real sense of gain to Taiwan funded enterprises in Shanghai and Taiwan compatriots. Shanghai will continue to adhere to the concept of "one family on both sides of the Straits", work with the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and other relevant departments to strengthen the implementation of policies, evaluate the implementation effect, study and formulate more policy measures as needed, expand and deepen the economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between Shanghai and Taiwan, and constantly enhance the kinship and well-being of people on both sides of the Straits.

Implementation Measures for Promoting Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation between Shanghai and Taiwan In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on deepening cross Straits economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, take the lead in sharing Shanghai's development opportunities with Taiwan compatriots, gradually provide Taiwan compatriots with the same treatment as mainland compatriots for investment, employment, entrepreneurship, schooling and life in Shanghai, and promote economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between Shanghai and Taiwan, according to the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council The Measures on Promoting Cross Strait Economic and Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation (GTF [2018] No. 1) formulated by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), in combination with the actual situation of the city, formulates these implementation measures.


1、 Strive to give Taiwan funded enterprises the same treatment as local enterprises in the field of investment and economic cooperation in Shanghai (1) Support Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in the construction of four major brands of "Shanghai service, Shanghai manufacturing, Shanghai shopping, and Shanghai culture" from the aspects of capital, talent, and technology. (In charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Municipal Economic Information Commission, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, and the Municipal Finance Office)


(2) Taiwan funded enterprises participate in the "Made in China 2025" action plan, and enjoy the same treatment as local enterprises in investing in advanced manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, productive services and other key areas in this city. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to implement industrial transformation and upgrading and technological transformation. (In charge of the Municipal Economic Information Commission)

(3) Support Taiwan enterprises to set up headquarters, financial institutions, operation centers, procurement centers, and logistics centers in the city. (In charge of the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Municipal Finance Office and the district governments)

(4) Taiwan funded enterprises registered in this city shall apply the preferential policy of pre tax deduction of R&D expenses in accordance with relevant regulations. The recognized Taiwan funded high-tech enterprises in this city shall be subject to enterprise income tax at the rate of 15%. According to the tax policy for equipment procurement of research and development institutions, the qualified Taiwan funded research and development centers in this city are exempted from import tariff, import value-added tax and consumption tax on imported scientific and technological development supplies, and the purchase of equipment in mainland China is fully refunded to VAT. (In charge of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Municipal Local Taxation Bureau, the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Municipal Finance Bureau, Shanghai Customs, and the Municipal State Administration of Taxation)

(5) Support Taiwan funded enterprises and Taiwan compatriots to engage in R&D activities in science and technology, cultural and creative industries in this city, and encourage the transformation of intellectual property rights in Taiwan in this city. Taiwan funded enterprises can set up an open joint innovation platform in the city, participate in the construction of the city's public service platform for research and development, and jointly carry out key industry technologies with the city's units. Their technological achievements with independent intellectual property rights can be traded on the city's technology trading platforms. (The Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Municipal Intellectual Property Office are responsible for this)

(6) Taiwan funded enterprises are supported to set up R&D centers with independent legal personality and upgrade to global R&D centers in this city. Global R&D centers with more than 100 R&D personnel and R&D centers with independent legal personality are given start-up and rental subsidies. The qualified municipal enterprise technology centers will be given special fund support according to regulations. (In charge of the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Municipal Economic Information Commission, the Municipal Finance Bureau, and the district governments)

(7) Support Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in major R&D projects in strategic emerging industries in this city, and apply special fund support policies according to regulations. (In charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Municipal Economic Information Commission)

(8) Support Taiwan funded enterprises and Taiwan compatriots to protect their patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights according to law. Taiwan funded enterprises enjoy the same treatment as local enterprises in terms of subsidies for patent application and authorization in Shanghai and application for pilot demonstration units of patent work in Shanghai. Support Taiwan funded R&D centers to apply for PCT international patents and domestic invention patents, and grant subsidies of no more than 250000 yuan for each invention patent authorized through PCT; For authorized high-quality domestic patents, the maximum subsidy for each patent shall not exceed 15000 yuan. (The Municipal Intellectual Property Office and the Municipal Finance Bureau are responsible)

(9) Taiwan funded enterprises are supported to participate in the construction of urban infrastructure such as energy, transportation, water conservancy, environmental protection and municipal public works in this city in the form of franchise. Taiwan funded enterprises that meet the corresponding qualification requirements can participate in the general contracting and subcontracting of construction projects in this city. (In charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Administration Commission, the Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, etc.)

(10) Support Taiwan funded enterprises that meet the qualification requirements to participate in the bidding of government procurement fairly in this city. (in the charge of the Municipal Finance Bureau)

(11) Support Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in the city's approved restructuring of state-owned enterprises and obtain legal rights and interests through acquisition of equity, subscription of convertible bonds, equity replacement and other ways. (In charge of the Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission)

(12) Support Taiwan funded enterprises that conform to the industry orientation to carry out technological transformation in this city according to the plan. If the plot ratio of the stock industrial and R&D land is increased according to the plan, the district government can charge a certain proportion of the land transfer price according to the industrial type and land use performance. For the encouraged projects of intensive land use, priority should be given to the supply of land. When determining the base price of land transfer, the same policy should be applied to enterprises in this city. (The municipal planning, land and resources bureau and district governments are responsible for)

(13) Support Taiwan funded enterprises registered in the city to participate in the "Belt and Road" initiative in the city according to their own development needs, as well as serve the construction of key regions such as the Midwest and Northeast, and give priority coordination and professional guidance in terms of investigation, docking, project implementation, etc. (In charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Government Cooperation and Exchange Office, the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, and the district governments)

(14) Taiwan funded agricultural enterprises registered in this city can enjoy the same subsidies for agricultural machinery purchase in this city. (In charge of the Municipal Commission of Agriculture)

(15) We will strengthen the construction of the Shanghai Taiwan Agricultural Products Trading Center licensed by the Taiwan Affairs Office and the Ministry of Agriculture, and the cross-strait (Shanghai) Taiwan Agricultural Products Trading Logistics Center licensed by the Ministry of Commerce, provide convenience for Taiwan's agricultural products to enter the above centers, and support Taiwan's agricultural enterprises to participate in domestic and foreign agricultural products display and sales activities organized by Shanghai. (In charge of the Municipal Commission of Agriculture)

(16) Support Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in the construction of agricultural entrepreneurship demonstration parks, and support Taiwan funded agricultural enterprises to apply for the city's leading industrialization enterprises and national leading industrialization enterprises. (In charge of the Municipal Commission of Agriculture)

(17) Support Taiwan funded financial institutions, merchants, etc. to cooperate with clearing institutions in Shanghai and non bank payment institutions in Shanghai according to law, and provide convenient micro payment services for Taiwan compatriots. (Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China, Shanghai Banking Regulatory Bureau, and Shanghai Municipal Finance Office)

(18) Support Taiwan financial institutions to set up headquarters and branches in this city. The relevant supporting policies shall apply to the branches of Taiwan funded financial institutions that are registered or moved to this city after being transformed into legal person financial institutions, and the headquarters of financial institutions that are newly registered or moved to this city. (In the charge of the Municipal Finance Office and the Municipal Finance Bureau)

(19) Support relevant credit bureaus in this city to carry out business cooperation with Taiwan credit bureaus according to regulations, and give priority to business docking, negotiation channels, qualification recognition and cooperation catalogue. (The People's Bank of China Shanghai Headquarters and the Municipal Development and Reform Commission are responsible for this)

(20) Support Taiwan funded banks to use local markets and cross-border channels in the city to expand the source of RMB funds; We will support various financial institutions to provide financial services to small, medium and micro Taiwan funded enterprises and Taiwan compatriots in this city. Support Taiwan funded banks and their mainland branches to carry out various inter-bank business exchanges in the city and share the information of financial institutions in the city. (In the charge of Shanghai Banking Regulatory Bureau, Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China and Shanghai Municipal Financial Office)

(21) We will support high-quality Taiwan funded enterprises registered in this city to list and finance in the mainland. We will strengthen professional guidance for Taiwan funded enterprises to be listed in this city. The district government where Taiwan funded enterprises are registered shall give financial subsidies in accordance with the policy. (In the charge of district governments)

(22) Taiwan funded enterprises registered in this city are supported to raise funds through equity custody trading institutions. (In charge of the Municipal Finance Office)

(23) Support Taiwan funded enterprises registered in this city to issue collective bonds and collective bills, and the relevant intermediary service fees incurred may apply to the competent department of small and medium-sized enterprises in this city for fund subsidies. (In charge of the Municipal Economic Information Commission)

(24) Optimize the approval procedures for industrial and commercial registration of Taiwan funded enterprises. Simplify the review of the business scope of branches of Taiwan funded enterprises engaged in chain operation and the identification materials of natural person shareholders in Taiwan funded enterprises, and apply online and download online for Taiwan funded enterprises that need to issue compliance certificates. (In charge of the Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce)

(25) Support Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in the exhibition, sales and procurement of China International Import Expo. (In charge of China International Import Expo Bureau, National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai), Municipal Commission of Commerce and Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office)

(26) Support Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in the product exhibition and sales of Taiwan Commodity Center in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. (In charge of the Cross Strait Entrepreneurs Summit, Pudong New Area Government, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone Management Committee and the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office)

(27) Support Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in the investment and construction of industrial projects in the field of opening up of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. (In the charge of Pudong New Area Government and Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone Management Committee)

(28) Support the policy based financing guarantee fund for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises in Shanghai to strengthen cooperation with financial institutions in Shanghai, and provide financing guarantee services for small, medium-sized and micro Taiwan funded enterprises in line with the government's industry orientation and eligible young Taiwanese entrepreneurs. (In charge of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Finance Office and the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Association)

2、 Gradually provide Taiwan compatriots with the same treatment as mainland compatriots in studying, entrepreneurship, employment and living in Shanghai (29) We will support Taiwan compatriots to take part in the municipal vocational qualification examination for professional, technical and skilled personnel. Taiwan compatriots can register for 53 professional and technical personnel vocational qualification examinations and 81 skilled personnel vocational qualification examinations, and do a good job in organizing the registration of Taiwan compatriots employed in this city to participate in vocational qualification examinations. (In charge of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Education Commission, the Municipal Justice Bureau, the Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, etc.)


(30) We will support qualified Taiwanese professionals to apply for national "Thousand Talents Plan" and "Ten Thousand Talents Plan", Shanghai "Thousand Talents Plan", Shanghai Leading Talents and Young Talents Plan and other talent plans. (In charge of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the Municipal Science and Technology Commission)

(31) Support professional and technical personnel from Taiwan to work in Shanghai. In terms of professional title assessment, talent support policies, etc., they enjoy the same treatment as residents of this city. For high-level professional and technical personnel in Taiwan, they can directly apply for the evaluation of senior professional titles through the "through train". Taiwan's professional and technical personnel with outstanding performance and significant contributions can apply for senior professional titles through the "green channel". (In the charge of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

(32) Support Taiwan compatriots in Shanghai to apply for scientific research projects. Rely on Shanghai universities and scientific research institutions to jointly carry out scientific research and technology transformation, and participate in the construction of Shanghai R&D public service platform. (In charge of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Municipal Education Commission)

(33) Support Taiwan compatriots to participate in cultural projects such as the Chinese classics recitation project in this city. We will support Taiwan compatriots to participate in various cultural heritage protection and intangible cultural heritage inheritance exchange activities held in Shanghai. Support Taiwanese cultural and art circles and people to participate in the Chinese Culture Year (Festival), "Happy Spring Festival" and other brand activities held overseas by the city. Support Taiwanese students studying in the city to participate in various cultural activities organized by the school. (In charge of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, and the Municipal Education Commission)

(34) Support Taiwan compatriots to participate in the selection of special awards and honorary titles in this city. We will support Taiwan compatriots to participate in the selection of honorary titles and technical experts in this city, such as model workers, "March 8th" red flag bearers, Shanghai scientific and technological elites, and Shanghai young scientific and technological talents. (In charge of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Women's Federation and the Municipal Association for Science and Technology)

(35) Support Taiwan compatriots to participate in the production of radio and television programs, films and TV dramas in this city in accordance with relevant national regulations. (In charge of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television)

(36) Support the city's film distribution agencies, radio and television stations, audio-visual websites and cable television networks to introduce films and TV dramas produced in Taiwan in accordance with relevant national regulations. (In charge of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television)

(37) We will support Shanghai and Taiwan to co produce films and TV dramas, and do a good job of examination and approval in accordance with relevant national regulations. (In charge of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television)

(38) Provide convenience for Taiwan's book import business. Establish a green channel in the city to simplify the approval process for Taiwan's book import. Priority shall be given to the examination and verification of the filing application for Taiwan's imported books declared by the publications import business unit in this municipality, and the filing formalities for ordinary imported books shall be completed within 5 working days. (In charge of the Municipal Press and Publication Bureau)

(39) Taiwan compatriots are encouraged to join the city's economic, technological, cultural and artistic professional associations and trade associations and participate in relevant activities. (The Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, the Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Association for Science and Technology, etc.)

(40) Support local universities and colleges in Taiwan to establish an institutionalized exchange platform, and carry out exchanges in academic research, academic forums, student exchanges, school visits and other aspects. (In charge of the Municipal Education Commission)

(41) Support Taiwan institutions engaged in cross-strait non-governmental exchanges to apply for cross-strait exchange fund projects in accordance with relevant national regulations. (In the charge of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office and the Municipal Finance Office)

(42) Support Taiwan compatriots and relevant associations to participate in public welfare activities and grass-roots community services organized by the city. (In charge of the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau)

(43) We support Taiwan compatriots to take part in the medical qualification examination in this city. Taiwan compatriots who meet the conditions can take part in this city's physician qualification examination. The examination method, examination content, score line, charging standard, etc. are the same as those of mainland examinees of the same kind. (In charge of the Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission)

(44) Taiwan compatriots who have passed the doctor qualification examination or certification to obtain the mainland's Doctor Qualification Certificate are supported to apply for practice registration in this city. (In charge of the Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission)

(45) Support qualified Taiwanese doctors to apply for the "Taiwan Physician Short term Practicing Certificate" in this city. (In charge of the Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission)

(46) Taiwan compatriots who have obtained corresponding qualifications in Taiwan are supported to apply for securities, futures and fund practice qualifications in this city in accordance with relevant national regulations. (In the charge of Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau)

(47) We will support Taiwan compatriots to obtain nurse qualifications and participate in health professional qualification examinations in this city. After obtaining the practicing qualification, they may apply for practicing in this Municipality in accordance with the regulations. (In charge of the Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission)

(48) Support Taiwanese teachers to teach in local universities. In combination with the actual situation of local universities, their academic achievements in Taiwan can be included in the work evaluation system. (In charge of the Municipal Education Commission)

(49) According to the relevant national regulations, promote various personnel talent websites and enterprises to facilitate Taiwan compatriots to apply for jobs in this city. (In the charge of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

(50) Support the districts of the city to provide public rental housing to Taiwan compatriots who meet the access conditions. (In charge of the Municipal Housing Administration Bureau and district governments)

(51) Support enterprises and institutions with conditions in this city to provide internships and jobs for Taiwanese youth. Support eligible Taiwan compatriots to apply for residence permits for overseas talents in Shanghai. We will support Taiwanese youth to come to Shanghai to innovate and start businesses, and provide policy support such as rent subsidies for start-up sites, and discount interest on business guarantee loans in accordance with regulations. (In charge of the district government, the Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Association)

(52) Support Taiwan professionals to participate in the mediation of Taiwan related commercial cases in this city. The court of this Municipality may entrust the Taiwan Affairs Office of this Municipality to mediate commercial disputes involving Taiwan before filing or during the trial. The Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office employs Taiwan related professionals as mediators. The mediation agreement has legal effect after being reviewed and confirmed by the court. (In the charge of the Municipal High Court)

(53) Support the arbitration institutions of this Municipality to employ Taiwanese professionals as arbitrators, expand the scope of employing Taiwanese professionals as arbitrators, and carry out professional exchanges and cooperation with counterparts. (in the charge of the Municipal Bureau of Justice)

(54) Actively carry out three pilot projects, namely, the establishment of representative offices by Taiwan law firms in this city, the association of Taiwan law firms with local law firms, and the employment of Taiwan practicing lawyers as legal advisers by local law firms. Taiwan residents who have obtained national legal professional qualifications are supported to serve as legal advisers for various enterprises in the city. Those who meet the conditions can apply for the issuance of company lawyer certificates. (in the charge of the Municipal Bureau of Justice)

(55) Establish a contact window to provide emergency relief services for Taiwan compatriots in Shanghai. (In charge of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the Exit Entry Administration Bureau of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission)

[Editor in charge: Chen Wentao]

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