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Vigorously develop the "five types of economy" and prepare for the "five new cities" - look at Shanghai for high-quality development

2021-01-21 13:22:00
Source: Xinhuanet
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Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, December 30 (Reporter He Xinrong) In 2020, Shanghai's actual absorption of foreign capital is expected to exceed 20 billion US dollars for the first time, a record high. Near the end of the year, the cold wave is coming. Such a "hot" news is very exciting.  

   Only when it is difficult can we show courage. In the face of the impact of COVID-19, Shanghai's GDP is expected to reach 3.9 trillion yuan in 2020, with per capita GDP exceeding 23000 US dollars, and its economic aggregate ranking among the top cities in the world. Facing the "14th Five Year Plan", Shanghai will develop the "five oriented economy", build the "five new cities", and promote the "digital transformation of the city"... With a series of new layouts, Shanghai will accelerate its integration into the new development pattern of services.  

   Breaking the conventional "gesture" and promoting "five economy"  

   With the development of science and technology, especially information technology, economic formats are more and more characterized by deep integration, and industry boundaries are more and more blurred. Senyi intelligence is a new species of medical and IT integration.  

   Use artificial intelligence algorithm to judge the probability of a patient's vein thrombosis in the next 24 hours, so as to play the role of early warning and prevention - relying on professional big data and artificial intelligence technology, Senyi Intelligent, which settled in Shanghai Zhangjiang Science City in 2016, will complete the D-round financing of 400 million yuan by the end of 2020, and the enterprise will enter a new fast lane of development.  

   "There is a large amount of valuable information sleeping in the hospital's archives or information system. We use artificial intelligence algorithms to mine this information to form high-quality medical big data and ultimately serve hospitals, doctors and patients." Ma Handong, the founder of Senyi Intelligent Joint Venture who returned from overseas studies, is now a standard "Zhang Jiangnan".  

   Shanghai has put forward the strategy of developing the "five types of economy" by jumping out of the "frame" of the industry and surpassing the traditional "second and third industries". What is the "Five type Economy"? That is, innovative economy, service-oriented economy, headquarters economy, open economy, and flow economy. "Five oriented economy" is not only the "long board" for Shanghai to achieve high-quality development, but also provides a starting point for smooth economic cycle.  

   To strengthen and optimize the "five oriented economy", during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, Shanghai will break the "conventional gestures and thinking patterns", customize a number of targeted support policies, and create a number of distinctive "five oriented economy" clusters.  

   Open up new battlefields and prepare five new cities  

   In the northwest of Shanghai, along the sparkling Yuanxiang Lake, there are the online hit Poly Theater and Jiading Library, the "most beautiful library". Not far away, the first trans provincial subway in China, Shanghai Rail Transit Line 11, roared past, leading to Kunshan City, adjacent to Jiangsu Province.  

   Spread out the map of Shanghai, Jiading, Qingpu, Songjiang, Fengxian and Nanhui are like a string of pearls around the central urban area of Shanghai. On the one hand, they are connected to the main urban area through rail transit, and on the other hand, they radiate the broader hinterland of the Yangtze River Delta. During the 14th Five Year Plan period, five new cities will become the key construction areas in Shanghai.  

   The construction of a new city is not about putting old wine into new bottles, nor is it about pushing back and starting again. According to the plan, Shanghai will promote the construction of "five new cities" in accordance with the positioning of an independent comprehensive node city, and create an important growth pole for economic development. The five new cities in the future will have complete urban functions. Citizens living here don't have to go to the main city. People can live in the Yangtze River Delta and work in these new cities; You can also live in the new city and work in the Yangtze River Delta. The general pattern of "Greater Shanghai" will be more obvious.  

   "Go outside and open up a new battlefield" - jump out of the main urban area with increasingly tight space, and various industrial elements and public service resources in Shanghai will gradually converge to the five new cities in the future. Lu Fangzhou, secretary of Shanghai Jiading District Party Committee, said that during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, the new city will become an important starting point for Shanghai to play a leading role and help the Yangtze River Delta take the lead in forming a new development pattern. "As far as Jiading New Town is concerned, it will be built into a comprehensive node city in the Yangtze River Delta with a population of one million and multiple functions by 2035, which is a model of Shanghai New Town with strong radiation and driving effect."

   Comprehensively promote transformation and build an "international digital city"  

   For epidemic prevention and control, the "application code" has been used for 1.6 billion times by the All China Netcom Office; Promote consumption and drive double-digit sales growth through the "May 5th Shopping Festival" held online and offline; Innovative development, online new economic vitality such as Pinduoduo, Hema, Dingdong Buying Vegetables is surging

   In response to the challenge of epidemic situation, the arrival of the digital era has accelerated, which has enabled Shanghai to maintain extraordinary resilience in the face of "rare uncertainties", and opened a new imagination space for urban development.  

   The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Government recently proposed to "comprehensively promote urban digital transformation" and strive to build an "international digital city" with world influence. In terms of digital development, Shanghai leads the country in exploration. Shanghai government service "All in One Network" has been included in 2734 government service items, with 40.8 million real name users. The "one network unified management" of urban operation has initially formed the architecture system of "three-level platform and five level application", with a cumulative development of 3000 application scenarios.  

   Zhao Qi, Deputy Secretary General of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, said that the construction of "two networks" has laid a good foundation for digital government and digital transformation. However, urban digital transformation is not a "single breakthrough" in several fields, but covers all aspects of urban production, life and ecology, including economic digitalization, life digitalization, governance digitalization and other fields. To this end, Shanghai has set up a leading group for urban digital transformation, and all work has been accelerated.  

   We should not only have the thinking power of "planning for later action", but also have the executive power of "planning for rapid action". At the end of the "13th Five Year Plan" and the beginning of the "14th Five Year Plan", the development of Shanghai is seizing every minute.  

[Editor in charge: Chen Wentao]

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