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The first bonded logistics park in China has gone through 17 years of formal transformation

2021-01-21 13:18:00
Source: Shangguan
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   The first bonded logistics park in China has gone through 17 years of formal transformation  

   Waigaoqiao, the ninth comprehensive conservation area in Shanghai  

Shanghai Customs announced on the 19th that Waigaoqiao Bonded Logistics Park, the first bonded logistics park in China, has officially transformed into a comprehensive bonded zone of Waigaoqiao Port after 17 years.

Shanghai Waigaoqiao Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone, with a planned area of 1.03 square kilometers, is the ninth comprehensive bonded zone in Shanghai.

According to the plan, Waigaoqiao Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone will give play to the "bonded+" functional advantages in the future, rely on the basis of the warehousing and logistics industry, introduce high-energy projects, form new growth points and growth poles, deeply integrate into the global industrial chain, value chain and innovation chain, and accumulate experience and provide samples for the subsequent transformation and upgrading of other surrounding bonded zones.

The predecessor of Waigaoqiao Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone is Waigaoqiao Bonded Logistics Park, which was established with the approval of the State Council in December 2003 and officially closed for operation in April 2004. It is the first bonded logistics park in China and an important part of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Relying on the location advantage adjacent to Waigaoqiao Port, the park focuses on warehousing services and modern logistics industry, deeply promotes the business model of "zone port linkage", and realizes the same frequency resonance between customs special supervision areas and maritime ports. By the end of 2020, the park has built a warehouse with a total area of 700000 square meters, gradually becoming a logistics hub connecting the international and domestic markets.

[Editor in charge: Chen Wentao]

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