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Innovating Drama Concept, Improving Art Quality, Expanding Cultural Influence, Recreating Local Stage Arts in Continuous Polishing

2021-01-22 11:00:00
Source: Liaoning Daily
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Liaoning's stage art has always been excellent. For example, the opera Cangyuan, the drama Father, and the ballet Eight Women Throw into the River have won many honors for Liaoning. Focusing on the creation of the theme, the grand stage presentation, and the traditional theater performance forms have become the symbolic characteristics of Liaoning's dramas. However, how to innovate the concept of drama, how to improve the quality of art, how to expand cultural influence, etc., has also been the exploration direction of Liaoning drama people for many years. Liaoning's stage art should give voice to Liaoning, thus demonstrating Liaoning's strength.

How to innovate the concept of drama? Reflecting the real life in a realistic way is the path of Liaoning drama creation, and it is also the reason why Liaoning drama creates and arranges countless fine arts

It is the highest pursuit of artists to adhere to the people as the center and create excellent stage art works with profound thinking, exquisite art and excellent production. For many years, Liaoning's stage art has been pursuing the innovative concept of drama, which is reflected in both the technical level and the spiritual connotation of drama.

The Liaoning Provincial Art Festival, founded in 1989, has become the most important platform for launching excellent stage art works, and has continuously won artistic glory and cultural reputation for Liaoning. After three years of gestation and creation, the 11th Liaoning Arts Festival will be held as scheduled in 2020, and 31 plays will be evaluated and displayed on the stage of the 11th Liaoning Arts Festival. In order to further display the achievements of our province's drama creation and polish better art works, at the end of 2020, the Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism jointly hosted the "2020 Liaoning Excellent Theme Works Exhibition" activity, and selected the excellent plays found in the 11th Provincial Arts Festival to be performed in the province, including Haicheng trumpet play "Azalea Blossom" The modern Pingju Opera "Hand in Hand", the modern Pingju Opera "Super New Year", the musical "The Most Lovely Man", the drama "With You", etc. Experts believe that these plays have new ideas, whether from the story telling of the text or from the artistic presentation of the stage, especially some plays show a new look in mining the regional cultural resources of Liaoning.

Reflecting the real life in a realistic way is the path of Liaoning drama creation, and it is also the reason why Liaoning drama has created and performed many fine arts in decades. The four dramas "Azalea Blossom", "Hand in Hand", "Guo Da Nian" and "Be with You" are all realistic works, focusing on the current and hot real life. But how can these characters and lives around us, which are brought to the stage in an artistic form, resonate with the audience and become an enduring masterpiece? Taking the modern Pingju "Guo Da Nian" as an example, this play is one of the representative works of the poverty relief theme stage play at the 11th provincial art festival. It is written by Huang Weiying, directed by Yang Xiaoyan, and starred by Sun Mingyue. Focusing on the theme of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, it shows the family conflicts of three families in rural areas of northern Liaoning during the Spring Festival and the feelings and responsibilities of all parties in the process of poverty relief through art forms, Show people's deep love for their hometown and relatives. "Guo Da Nian" does not directly describe how to be poor and how to help, nor show the process of becoming rich from poor, but reveals the problems in reality and the awakening of people in the problems. When watching the performance, the audience will have their own understanding and feel the charm of comedy. "Guo Da Nian" not only has strong opera characteristics, rich arias, complete business settings, and stage style freehand brushwork, but also has the characteristics and style of light comedy in plot arrangement, character design, and language processing. On the basis of portraying the characters' characters, it especially takes into account the young people's delight.

In Liaoning, where there are many heroes, there are endless dramas about heroes. The theme is based on the deeds of well-known heroes and advanced figures. How can they stand out from the works with the same theme?

Haicheng trumpet play "Azalea Blossoms" is a work focusing on heroes, and uses local unique intangible cultural heritage operas to express the theme theme. The play takes Liu Juan, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the community of Lingxi Community, Lishan District, Anshan City, as the prototype, and takes Liu Juan's journey from an ordinary person to an excellent grass-roots cadre as the main line. It selects Liu Juan's contributions to build a business street, take care of the elderly and widows, rescue sick children, open nursing homes, and open "seven homes" for community convenience services, It has created a flesh and blood image of outstanding party members and cadres in the new era. The modern Pingju Opera "Hand in Hand" is the key product supported by the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. The play tells the story of the "First Secretary" returning to the village to benefit the people. The drama "With You" takes the "First Secretary" of Jinkeng Village as the main character, and incorporates the story of the ongoing fight against the epidemic into the plot. These plays not only stay on the theme of good people and good deeds, but also use their hometown to talk about their hometown, moving people with the ups and downs of the story. The understanding and love of the main creators for the characters and their deep humanistic feelings for the characters created have innovated the concept of drama and narrowed the psychological distance with the audience. It is particularly worth mentioning that The Azalea Blossom is full of strong folk customs. The paper-cut element of carp pattern is used in the dance design and applied to the stage background. In the plot performance, actors in red and green costumes also performed stilt yangko. The whole stage is festive, lively and hot, showing the characteristics of Haicheng trumpet play.

Liang Haiyan, president of the Liaoning Institute of Culture and Arts, believes that realistic works need to innovate the concept of drama, not only to promote positive energy, but also to tell stories well, not only emphasizing its educational function, but also not ignoring its aesthetic pursuit of art. Conceptualized and formulaic preaching has become history. Only those works that have profound understanding and care for people can have a moving temperature and give people spiritual comfort and spiritual inspiration.

How to improve the quality of art? Liaoning playwrights always hold a reverent attitude and polish their scripts in a down-to-earth manner

In the current drama creation, there are many similarities in the subject matter, mediocrity in appearance, old techniques, conceptualization of characters, and hardness in the script. How to improve the artistic quality of stage works? To have a good main creative team, screenwriters, directors, actors, choreographers, etc. need to select the best from the best. Xie Haiwei, a famous screenwriter, believes that, first of all, creators should respect art. As far as screenwriters are concerned, a play should be created with heart. To write well, one must have life, accumulation, enthusiasm, more observation, more reading and more revision. We should treat our works as our own children, and good works should not be hasty.

In the chain of stage art creation, script is the fundamental guarantee for the success or failure of a play, which is called "the foundation of a play". Liaoning playwrights always hold a reverent attitude and polish their scripts in a down-to-earth manner. The achievements of Liaoning drama creation largely benefit from the solid foundation provided by high-level script creation. Mao Qi, vice president of Liaoning Institute of Culture and Arts, said that from the repertoire of the 11th Provincial Arts Festival, the old playwrights are still the backbone of Liaoning's stage art creation, and the middle-aged and young playwrights are rising. In the process of creation, every playwright has kept improving and polished the script over and over again. From structural adjustment to plot reset and even the speculation of a libretto, it has become normal to revise the script several times. The modern Pingju Opera "Guo Da Nian", the musical "The Most Lovely Man", and the drama "Windless Zone" are all getting better and better in the process of constant revision.

The reporter learned in the interview that, in order to create the modern Pingju Opera "Celebrating the Spring Festival", Huang Weiying, the screenwriter, went to the countryside to experience life during the creation, to show the life style of rural areas in northern Liaoning, and to enter the script writing with emotion. The characters in the play, such as Tian Ye, Kang Fu, Fan Dasao, and Yu Shanda, are vivid and simple. They are not deliberately carved, but have unique role positioning. They have improved their images in conflicts, and are able to stand and stand steadily from the leading role to the supporting role. The writers poured humanistic feelings into them.

The drama "Windless Zone" is also the best work of this festival, written by Yang Jinfeng. The play depicts the revolutionary beliefs and courage of three young Communists, Hua Yun'er, Xia Zijin and Chang Haiyang. Although Windless Zone is a work with the theme of national anti Japanese war, its stage presentation is free and grand. It not only has historical and humanistic flavor, but also shines with charming human brilliance, which shows the continuous polishing and tempering of the script.

In the musical "The Most Lovely Man", which shows the moving story of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the writer Zhang Yonghua interviewed the living Dandong soldiers of the Chinese People's Volunteers and consulted a large number of relevant historical materials. With several changes, it pays attention to the integration of regional culture and the main elements of the musical, as well as the echo of historical value and practical significance.

Only when the script is established can the subsequent second creation have a foundation. A script that cannot stand is a waste of other inputs. A good script plus good stage re creation is a masterpiece.

During the interview, an old screenwriter told the reporter that we must make these excellent dramas improve their artistic quality, perform on the provincial and national stage, train and train the talent team, and let this dedication to art and emotional responsibility pour into the works, and turn them into flesh and blood characters and stories that move all audiences.

How to expand cultural influence? Only by constantly displaying excellent works can they move to a broader stage

Liaoning, with rich historical and cultural soil, has numerous art brands worth further cultivation. Yang Jinfeng, chairman of Dalian Literature and Art Critics Association, said that the brand effect of the festival largely depends on the support of local art brands. The combination of daily training and the discovery of the art festival, the selection of works of art, art groups and artists with good quality and excellent quality, and the cultivation, shaping and promotion of them through multiple means, make them become the landmark and representative community of local art creation.

Liaoning is a big drama province with a long history and great achievements. For the development and prosperity of the stage art, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism have held many symposiums to invite experts to explain their opinions, polish the repertoire, and make it a masterpiece. At present, these excellent plays are being polished and revised. Zhang Wei, deputy director of Shenyang Public Cultural Service Center and president of Shenyang Pingju Theater, told reporters that on January 7, relevant leaders, experts and the main creative team held a symposium, at which experts gave full recognition to the director, performance, choreography and music of "Guo Da Nian", and also put forward reasonable suggestions on the details of the drama, hoping that the crew would keep improving and further polish the work. As with other plays, Hand in Hand is also in the process of being revised. It is making targeted adjustments in two aspects. First, it is necessary to revise the conflicts in drama and play an important role in helping the poor with "wisdom" and "ambition", so as to realize the process of people's yearning for a better life into reality; Second, cut down the prologue to speed up the rhythm of the drama.

Gao Lijun, director of the Art Development Department of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that in order to expand cultural influence, these revised plays will participate in the exhibition of high-quality plays celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and at the same time, they will also travel to schools and villages. So that the drama can really follow the pace of the times and close to the life of the people.

Liaoning's stage art gives voice to Liaoning and shows its strength. Experts believe that this special promotion of outstanding works, teams and artists displayed on the festival platform can lead them to a broader stage and win more artistic honors. (Reporter Yang Jing)

[Editor in charge: Chen Wentao]

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