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Natural Profile of Liaoning Province

2021-01-22 10:32:00
Source: Website of Liaoning Provincial People's Government
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It is located in the south of northeast China. The geographical coordinates range from 118 ° 53 'to 125 ° 46' east longitude and 38 ° 43 'to 43 ° 26' north latitude.

Surrounded by the vast Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea in the south, Liaodong Peninsula is obliquely inserted between the two seas, across the Bohai Strait, echoing Shandong Peninsula from afar; The southwest borders Hebei Province; The northwest is adjacent to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region; Northeast China is adjacent to Jilin Province; The southeast is bounded by the Yalu River and faces the Democratic People's Republic of Korea across the river.

Area The total land area of the province is 148000 square kilometers, accounting for 1.5% of the total land area of the country. In the total land area of the province, the mountainous area is 88000 square kilometers, accounting for 59.5%; The flat land is 48000 square kilometers, accounting for 32.4%; Water area and others are 12000 square kilometers, accounting for 8.1%.

Topography The general topography of the province is "six mountains, one water and three fields". The terrain generally inclines from north to south, from east and west sides to the middle. The mountains and hills are divided into east and west sides, descending to the central plain, and leaning toward the Bohai Sea in a horseshoe shape. Both sides of eastern and western Liaoning are mountains and hills with an average altitude of 800 meters and 500 meters; The middle part is Liaohe Plain with an average altitude of 200 meters; The coast of Bohai Sea in western Liaoning is a long and narrow coastal plain, called "Liaoxi Corridor".

There are more than 300 large and small rivers in the river territory, including 17 rivers with a drainage area of more than 5000 square kilometers and 31 rivers with a drainage area of 1000-5000 square kilometers. It mainly includes Liaohe River, Hunhe River, Daling River, Taizi River, Raoyang River and Yalu River, the boundary river shared by China and North Korea, forming the main water system of Liaoning Province. Liaohe River is the largest river in the province, with a total length of 1390 kilometers, a river course of about 480 kilometers, and a drainage area of 69200 square kilometers. Most of the rivers in the territory flow from the east, west and north to the middle and south of the sea. The hydrological characteristics of the river are as follows: the river course is gentle, the sediment concentration is high, the flow is unevenly distributed within the year, the flood discharge capacity is poor, and flooding is easy to occur. The river in the east has clear water and narrow riverbed, which is suitable for the development of small and medium-sized hydropower stations.

The mountains in the mountain range are listed on the east and west sides respectively. The eastern mountain range is the continuation of Hada Mountain and Longgang Mountain, the branch of Changbai Mountain. It is composed of two parallel mountains in the north and south, with an altitude of about 500-800 meters. The highest peak is more than 1300 meters above sea level, which is the highest point in the province. The main mountain ranges include Qingyuan Molihong Mountain, Benxi Motianling Mountain, Longgang Mountain, Huanren Laotaizi Mountain, Huaneck Mountain, Kuandian Sifangdingzi Mountain, Fengcheng Phoenix Mountain, Anshan Qianduo Lotus Mountain and Lvshun Laotie Mountain. Among them, Laotudingzi Mountain (1325 meters) and Huaneck Mountain (1336 meters). The western mountains are formed by the transition from the Inner Mongolia Plateau to the Liaohe Plain, with an altitude of 300-1000 meters, mainly including Nuluerhu Mountain, Songling Mountain, Heishan Mountain and Yiwulu Mountain.

The sea area of our province is vast. The west side of Liaodong Peninsula is the Bohai Sea, and the east side is the Yellow Sea. The sea area (continental shelf) is 150000 square kilometers, of which the offshore water area is 64000 square kilometers. The coastal beach area is 2070 square kilometers. The land coastline starts from the Yalu River estuary in the east and ends at Laolongtou, Suizhong County in the west, with a total length of 2292.4 kilometers, accounting for 12% of the national coastline, ranking fifth in the country.

There are 266 marine islands in the province, covering an area of 191.5 square kilometers, accounting for 0.24% of the total area of the national marine islands, accounting for 0.13% of the total area of the country. The total length of the island coastline is 627.6 kilometers, accounting for 5% of the total length of the national island coastline. The main islands are Waichangshan Islands, Lichangshan Islands, Shicheng Islands, Dalu Island, Chrysanthemum Island, Changxing Island, etc.

Climate characteristics Liaoning is located in the southern half of the mid latitude and on the east bank of Eurasia. It has a temperate continental monsoon climate, with hot and rainy seasons, rich sunshine and four distinct seasons. The northwest wind prevails in winter, which is long and cold. The southeast wind prevails in summer, which is hot and rainy. There is little rain and much wind in spring, and the autumn is short and sunny. The annual solar radiation is 100-200 calories/square centimeter, the annual sunshine hours are 2100-2900 hours, the annual average temperature is 5.2 ℃ to 11.7 ℃, the maximum temperature is about 30 ℃ above zero, and the minimum temperature is about 30 ℃ below zero. The average annual precipitation is 400-970mm, and the average frost free period is 130-200 days. Generally, the frost free period is more than 150 days.

[Editor in charge: Chen Wentao]

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