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Jilin Province Taiwan Compatriots Association

2021-01-15 14:18:00
Source: Taiwan compatriots' home
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The Friendship Association of Taiwan Compatriots in Jilin Province is a patriotic mass organization of Taiwan compatriots living in Jilin Province, a bridge and link between the Party and the government and the vast number of Taiwan compatriots. Its purpose is to inherit and carry forward the glorious patriotic tradition of Taiwan compatriots, hold high the banner of socialism and patriotism, and firmly grasp the theme of peaceful development of cross-strait relations, Unite and contact Taiwan compatriots living in Jilin Province; Under the banner of patriotic reunification, we should widely unite and liaise with Taiwan compatriots in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and overseas, and work with one heart and one mind to revitalize China, promote the great unity of the Chinese nation, enhance the friendship among villagers and the well-being of the Taiwan people, oppose "Taiwan independence", promote the peaceful and stable development of cross-strait relations, and follow the principle of "peaceful reunification, one country, two systems" And contribute to the reunification of the motherland.

The Taiwan Compatriots Association of Jilin Province (the Taiwan Federation of Jilin Province for short) was established in Changchun on December 22, 1983. Wang Mingxi, Yuan Baixiong and Xie Cuixia have successively served as the presidents of the Taiwan Federation of Jilin Province.

Address: No. 825 Gongnong Road, Changchun, Jilin Post code: 130021

Tel: (0431) 85969410

Fax: (0431) 85969410

[Editor in charge: Chen Wentao]

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